Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve blogging...

My intentions to blog tonight before and inbetween our services has failed... miserably. First because I found myself hunched on the bathroom floor certain that I would lose my breakfast. Chills, aches and pains, and general naseua came upon me. I missed our Christmas Eve luncheon with my father. Barely made it through the gift exchange and then back to bed with the chills.

I was feeling bad and feeling bad about feeling bad. But I made it through 3 of our 4 services before coming home... thanks to prayer and lots of water.

This is the earliest I have been home on Christmas Eve since 1995! I could not believe the traffic.

Our music, candlelight, message, prayers, poem and people were marvelous! I am so glad that I didn't miss any of it... Merry Christmas!

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