Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Advent Dreaming

I am a dreamer. There is no doubt that I stand in the lineage of Joseph (of Genesis). Since my grandmother's death my curiosity has been peaked to discover if and when I might dream of my dear Gram. Many different folks from pyschologists to theologians have noted that after a loved one dies often the family and friends have vivid dreams of their beloved.

What a treasure that I dreamed of my dear grandmother last night... here in the midst of Advent (expectation, waiting, hope, longing, etc.). The dream was simple, but has left me with great joy and blessing this morning!

In my dream, Gram and I were together and we were laughing. You know the kind of deep belly laugh that exhausts you and exhilarates you at the same time?! Well, that was us. Laughing.

Thank you Holy Spirit, for such a gift as this!

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