Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Turn Downs

The past few weeks I have been in recruitment mode for our confirmation students. We enjoy matching them with an adult mentor for the duration of their confirmation experience... and I have been calling, emailing, and talking to all sorts of adults at our church about mentoring a young person.

I just told our youth director that I had more luck dating than I have this year in recruiting adults to work with a student. I wonder if it has anything to do with 6th graders themselves? They are a little wiggly and they are at a unqiue juncture in their growing and maturing. Imagine a whole group of adults intimidated by scrawny 6th graders! Laughable, but it may be true.

The only thing scary about me when I was in 6th grade was my really bad acne and the huge orthodonic bills my parents paid.

I kinda like 6th graders... some stuff is still new enough that they get genuinely excited. And it is fun to watch them on the cusp of the social world in which they live, move and have their being. Can't say that I would want to do 6th grade over again. Although I did have a crush on a really cute guy in my confirmation class... but that is a story for another day.

Here I go again to ask and ask and ask... maybe being turned down alot these past few weeks is God's way of humbling me or making me see the world as God experiences it. I am sure that God has gotten turned down far more than me.

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