Friday, January 30, 2009

Black-n-Gold baby!

This week I found out that our new president is a Steelers fan! (He has good taste.) I figured him for a Bears fan, but I heard President Obama say in an interview this week that next to the Bears the Steelers are close to his heart. Now, there is no doubt that his former presidental election advisary John McCain is cheering for the Cardinals.

As for me and my house... well it is the Steel Curtain all the way, baby! Got my jersey on today at the church office. (Much to the surprise of all our staff/volunteers).

It is game time! I am excited! This will be fun! Go Steelers!

I am already doing warm up exercises to swirl my terrible towel (don't want to pull any muscles during game time.) I believe a little Super Bowl hype is a great diversion from all the economic crisis we have going on right now... have fun, party safe everyone!

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