Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Renewal Revisited

Over the weekend it occurred to me that we, here at Calvary, have just pasted an anniversary. A year ago last weekend was the end of our Renewal through the Lilly Endowmened Clergy Renewal Grant. Wow! How fast did this past year go?!

And what an amazing year it has been... the more I have moved beyond the 'official' end of the Renewal Leave the more I have been aware of my personal and professional renewal. As I told friends last February the transition back to Calvary was a little rocky and hectic, but since then it has been an energy-filling and sustaining ride!

Calvary has had some amazing moments in this year since renewal: over 100 new members joined, over 36 went on an International Mission trip, growing numbers of folks in small groups, growing music ministries, and the Learning Academy is packed with both morning and afternoon kindergarten! WOW! We are renewed, refreshed and revitalized!

I find myself with more energy, renewed enthusiasm, and a strengthened sense of faith in this year following Renewal Leave! (Which is good because I need to get our final paperwork back to the Lilly Endowment folks soon!)

I hope that our Calvary congregation has felt renewed in their personal and professional lives as well! What a blessing Renewal continues to be...

1 comment:

K.S. said...

Hey Michelle,
I, too had a "revisit" moment this weekend. I wonder if we all get revisited at the same time for the same reasons. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Love ya!