Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blog Envy

Have you read the stuff my colleagues write in their blogs? It is hiliarious. Seriously, I just got done reading some of their stuff and I laughed out loud- cackled some might say... loud enough to be heard through the administrative wing of offices. Funny guys!

Makes me have blog envy. My husband says that I am not very funny on paper or print or blog. I don't think its me. I think its my material.

These guys have coaches and teachers who say and do the darnest things... I was a musical nerd. So there are no coaches in my childhood to tell about. Only music teachers and band directors. They weren't funny, just intense and angry.

And did I say I was a musical nerd?! I enjoyed my teachers unless they were too stupid to gain my respect. And then I aced their classes and got out of there as fast as I could.

I gotta get new material.


Todd Outcalt said...

Actually, you have a great sense of humor, which goes a long way. Maybe it's good you keep things balanced in the blogging. I just write about books and words and Aaron writes about youth ministry and books...we need some sanity.

Unknown said...

"Aaron writes about youth ministry and books..."

I'm not sure Todd's keeping up with the "Men Who Inspired Me" series.

Mark W said...

Todd's right. You need to keep things balanced in the blogging world. You are comparing yourself to two guys, and accepting critiques from your guy husband. Guys think normal bodily functions and atomic wedgies are comedy gold. We come here for a more sophisticated, nuanced sense of humor.