Sunday, January 27, 2013


Jesus often used a comparison and contrast between something great and small to make a theological point about God, God's kingdom or the working of God's grace in the world. 

Today- I bumped into some of the remants of the small-great  Jesus "talk" as we served 295 hot meals to some hungry folks.

  • napkins are small, but to a mother with a toddler an extra stack of napkins brought to her luinch table meant a great deal.
  • individual yogurt containers are small, but to someone without dinner plans yogurt means another meal.
  • balancing a meal tray from the meal line while holding a cane, bag of yogurt, and all your personal possessions is tough...and so it becomes a great thing when a polite sixth grader asks, "Sir, may I assist you?"  Many smiles on tired cold faces were lit up after this question was asked by our youth.
  • Eye contact, a smile, and a warm greeting seem small... but to folks who are invisible in downtown Indy- it means a great deal.
  • having kids delay eating their lunch so that hungrier bellies are filled seems to be a small thing... so that they can capture the greater need in our world for an end to hunger.

What small thing are you doing today, that has great love attached to it?

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