Friday, January 18, 2013

Here We Go, Confirmation, Again!

Without much ado or effort or fanfare we have begun another confirmation year!  (Woo hoo!)  Our nineteen students come from amazing families and represent at least four different school systems.  They are interesting, awkward young people- and I cannot wait to get to know them better.

This year we will be mentoring a new leader in our group, Trevor, who joined out staff this past autumn.  I am eager to experience confirmation from Trevor's point of view as much as from the student's viewpoints. Learning for me, just might occur, so watch out!

Be thinking of us this Sunday as we discuss who the church is, why we are here and clarify some of my 'pet peeves' of church nomenclature.  For example, people misuse the word religion all the time. More often than not I hear a person of faith refer to another denomination within Christianity as another religion. Hello?!  No, another religion from Christianity would be Hinduism or Buddhism or Islam or Judaism.  Catholicism, Baptists and Presbyterians, for instance, are examples of other denominations within Christianity.

Sigh.  Maybe one day I will have corrected all the world in it's usage of this word!

May be.  One. Day....

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