Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June Blessings

June has brought the heat! WOO HOO! I think we need to get a sprinkler. The squirt guns don't quite cut it anymore.

Spent the morning with my spiritual director today. We meet every other month for what John Wesley might call 'holy conversation.' Talking and listening with an ear towards what God's Spirit is sharing.

Sometimes I take my journal (the one book I have that no one is allowed to read). Other times we process dreams, situations, songs, prayers, and sermons. Mostly it is life stuff. And we try to discern in what ways God is active and busy in my life.

My favorite part is our closing time together. My spiritual director prays over me and for me (i.e. what we have shared and what she senses needs to be addressed before God). And for someone like me who routinely prays for others (out loud and in silence) it is such a gift and blessing to be prayed over!!

Today, I mentioned my joy over my director's prayers for me. She laughed and said, "I know the feeling. It is my favorite part when I see my director too!" I guess those of us who are busy caring for others and making it our business do indeed feel blessed, humbled and deeply appreciative when others pray for us.

So, go pray for someone today. And then if you are brave enough, ask someone to pray for you!

You'll be blessed too.

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