Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Every heard of too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the somethin'? Well, I now know what that saying is about. We had about a dozen cooks in our church kitchen last night; stirring, measuring, washing, mixing, chatting, and laughing. It was noisy, hot, and busy. Bumping into each other and making such a mess.

Everyone had ideas and most of all everyone loved being helpful. It was a hoot! I've never seen 10 casseroles whipped together so fast in my life! Wow! The cooks ranged in age and cooking experience from 4 to 84.

If you or your family receive one of our Casserole Club's casseroles, please don't mind the crooked chicken casserole club sticker on the lid. The youngest cook insisted on sticking them on her way. That is crooked. Hey- every cook has her/his gimmick.

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