Friday, February 22, 2013

Hanging Out with Middle School Students

The preparations have begun... we leave tomorrow on our annual Confirmation Retreat.  Overnight in a gym on the floor with eighteen middle school students and their mentors!  I am not eager to sleep poorly, but I am excited about the time I get to spend with these amazing, wacky, and silly students.

Great moments for God happen every year.  Some moments we try to plan... other amazing glory-bump moments the Holy Spirit surprises us!  Mostly, I am eager to chat with the students about their lives and where and how they live. I've got my anthropology, sociology- like questions all lined up.  :) 

And oh, did I mention how cool it is to be with our mentors?  These are the awesome people in our church, I mean really?  They are willing to give up a night with their families to sleep on the floor with a bunch of wiggly middler school students.

How cool, is that?!

And where else can that sort of amaing generational moment happen out-side school and the family, but CHURCH!

Pray for us.  (and my back...)

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