Friday, February 22, 2013

Graduated from Therapy (again)

One of the reasons my blog writing has slowed down in recent months is that my journal writing picked up speed while I re-entered therapuetic work (again).  Writing is always a key thing for me to process my thoughts and emotions.  I just don't understand folks who don't find journal writing appealing or helpful.  It is sooooo in my DNA!  In fact, I need to buy a new journal.  My current one is about full. 

Anyway- I am pleased to say that I have met my goals for this recent return to therapy.  Yes, I am even goal-oriented in this arena. On Wednesday of this week, my therapist and I both agreed that I was ready to graduate!  (Whatever that means, but we had a good laugh.  Because who ever really completes their personal growth on this side of heaven?!)  In her words, "Michelle, you've worked your butt off!  Good for you!"  Not sure Freud would appreciate the turn of phrase, but I did!

Yay for me!  I have a new set of fresh skills, good psycholoical knowledge, and better understanding about how to go foward with a relationship in my life.  Just have to live what I have learned. 

I tried to convince my husband that I deserved a treat for my graduation!  He laughed! 

One of the things I picked up during my work (which included loads of reading)... were these two helpful lists.  I enjoy passing on 'gems' to folks so see if this might help you with a difficult relationship in your life.

In Al-non folks learn:
  • not to suffer because of the actions or recations of other people.
  • not to allow ourselves to be used or abused byt others in the interest of another's recovery.
  • not to do for others what they could do for themselves.
  • not to create a crisis.
  • not to prevent a crisis if it is the natural course of events.

I also read about the three C's and three G's-

I didn't cause it.

I can't control it.

I can't cure it.

Get off their back.

Get out of the their way.

Get on with your life.
I think these little lists are terrific... in fact maybe I'll get some cards laminated and hang them up.

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