Thursday, July 5, 2012


On the second day a weird itchy twitch developed.  By the fifth day the twitch was replaced with this foggy sense of being an island unto myself- I was bereft.

Unplugged. Off the grid.

My desire to abstain from technology like email, cell phones, blogs, and the hardest one of all: Facebook began to take its toll.

The harsh reality of my addiction to constantly being fed information overwhelmed me.  I had no idea I had 'it' that bad until I left it all behind.

By the eighth day I was cured because I did not want to go near the computer at all. The twitch was gone.  In its place was this quiet contentment I have not had in a while.  Maybe that's why it has taken me this long to blog.  Just did not want to disturb the re-discovered peace.

Now, how do I keep that?  Or find another way to live amongst the 'noise'?  That is the best question... yet to be answered....

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