Monday, July 30, 2012

House Remodel 2

With our clean slate... it has been time to make some decisions on interior decor.  Each of us had our ideas... and a limited budget so off we went to the local home improvement store that has everything (even for doll houses!)

I must say, once we told the folks in the paint department that we need paint samples, contact paper (i.e. wall paper) for a dollhouse- they were overjoyed with excitement about our project too!  Even the dudes got into the act suggesting smaller paint containers, and small print contact paper for proper size dimension.  What a hoot!

With our supplies bundled into our arms... we brought home our goodies... let the remodel begin!

As you can see our daughter is finishing the exterior painting.  After removing the wallpaper we needed to clean up the walls... so must of the interior had a coat of white paint applied.

Since this photo, I am pleased to say we survived wall-papering the attic (who knew my marriage could survive wallpapering?!) and the master bedroom.  The kitchen and living room remain unfinished along with all of the flooring.  (You should have seen us at the home improvement store picking out laminate floor tiles!)

As I promised the staff at Lowe's you'll see a finished photo soon!  A focus wall in the living room is currently drying from a second coat of red paint that we applied this morning.

Move in date is yet to be determined...  :)

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