Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Dog Eats

You have not heard much about my pooch and his doggie life of luxury lately... so I thought I'd catch up you up on the comings and goings of my dog, Duke, who is fascinated and obsessed with eating non eatables.  His top 5 favorite non-food items are:
  1. Used Kleenex's (apparently they are tastier than clean un-used tissues.)
  2. Rocks (usually of small to medium size, preferably the right weight and size so that he can vomit them up at 3am onto the tile in the master bathroom.... they make a unique thunking sound.)
  3. One dollar bills (but I do not go get the remains of the bills from his 'piles' in the backyard.  I just let those half chewed Washingtons go.)
  4. Barbie clothes, shoes, & purse accessories.  He has also up-graded to eating baby clothes for Zhu Zhu pets. 
  5. Wooden puzzle pieces (which make it very confusing and difficult to finish any puzzles in our home).
If you are what you eat then my dog is a "tissue and paper puzzle of Barbie on a rock"!

When Duke is not eating these things, he keeps up on his other three favorite pastimes: shedding, sleeping and scratching.  aka The three S's. 

Sigh.  what a life!

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