Monday, June 6, 2011

Helper Wanted

My husband is accurate when he declares that I am not a good helper. Stories of Eric's childhood when he helped his father abound... but I have little of that sort of memory to compare. I am not trying to declare this as a gender difference... because I helped at my childhood home in areas other than with power tools: housework, laundry, sewing, gardening etc. Or did I?

The love of my life reassures me that my leadership skills are outstanding. Deligation, vision, hard work, organization, and motivation... these attributes and abilities are mine. But not helping. I have been fired from more than one home project. And truth be confessed, I would have fired me too.

I lack the skills and intuition to know when to bring the papertowels, which gadget from the tool box is required, and how to hold the level properly. Basically, I stink helping with any car, plumbing, carpentry, and house project that does not need Duct Tape.

From one perspective this failure of mine is to my favor. I 'get out' of doing projects.

But I am concerned though that my lack of helping is an indication of my yet to be fully sanctified Christian discipleship. Am I a good or at least decent helper for Jesus? Or does my leading get in the way? Hmm... here is something to ponder deeper.

The secret, if there is one in our Christian faith, is to be comfortable and confident enough in yourself to 'get out of the way' allowing God's Spirit to work through us. In this manner we help God do what God wants to accomplish in the world without really 'doing' anything.

Hopefully, that does not involve knowing which thing-a-ma-job to put into the what-cha-ma-call-it.

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