Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Iced In!

One would think that after being 'iced in' for two and a half days, I would have all the time in the world to get some of my church work done. "Ha ha!," I say to that expectation. Not so.

Caring for a sick child, entertaining her while she convalesces, cooking for the family (while husband is home attempting to do a continuing education seminar via the phone and internet), and making sure our winter storm preparedness is prepared- has wiped me out of creative energy.

Depleted and uncertain when I'll ever get this family's life back to normal- I succumbed to pajama days, sleeping in, staying up late watching old X Files re-runs, and playing with the dog and kid. Call me Snow Slug Michelle.

It may be early March before I am able to catch up on how far behind I've become in my work or I'll just have to pull some all nighters. The only good thing about this situation is... everyone I know around central Indiana is as behind as I am.

And to think that darn ol' groundhog says it will be Spring soon.

Sure doesn't look like it out my frosted window pane.

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