Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reading again...

While I have not been busy blogging, I have been reading (although slower than my summer pace). Here are the latest. greatest or not so greatest reads...

  • Strangers and Neighbors: What I Have Learned about Christianity by Living among Orthodox Jews by Marai Poggi Johnson
  • Bonhoeffer: Worldly Preaching (His Finkenwalde Lectures on Homiletics) translated by Clyde E. Fant
  • The Leadership Challenge, the Fourth Edition by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
  • The American Saint: Francis Asbury and the Methodists by John Wigger
  • Exodus (for our DISCIPLE 2 Bible Study)

As you can see I am not engaged in fiction reading at the moment... other than the picture books and learning to read books our daughter brings home from the library.

For Advent I will be working through two devotionals, reading a Christmas book a day with our daughter, and finishing two of the books from above (Leadership Challenge and American Saint are not quite finished).

What are you reading?


Todd Outcalt said...

Hannah's Child, memoir by Stanley Hauerwas. I'll pass it along to you when I'm done. You'll like it.

Michelle Kallock Knight said...

thanks Todd. I was reading the interview in our Div Alumni mag about that book. sounds interesting!