Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First Fruits or Veggies for that matter

Sunday was the day for our first ripe cherry tomato. Our daughter preciously cupped her hands together, kissed the blessed veggie er fruit (what is a tomato anyway?) and proceeded to parade it around the yard! "The first tomato, Momma! The first tomato everybody!" was her cry!

Next she carried the first pick carefully into the house, washed it in her sink (without soap Momma!) and then sat at the kitchen bar staring at it. Finally, I encouraged, "You know you can eat it!" A giant 'O' formed on her face and immediately it was popped into her mouth. The oohhs and the aahhs were dramatic!

Yesterday 5 more ripe ones were placed in her favorite Princess bowl. Again, with all the pomp and circumstance that ripe food requires- kisses, washing, parading etc.

We have been gently sqeezing our pea pods (yes, we have peas in July- who knew?!) every day to see which ones are plump enough for picking. Ten lucky fellows made it into our bowl yesterday. We counted the pods in both English and Spainish for good measure.

Then, I showed Diana how Mother Nature with God's blessing put zippers on pea pods for the little peas to come out. Oh- the delight at that discovery. "Do it again, Momma!" Of our ten pods we had about 35 little green peas.

Let's just say dinner last night was a preschooler's feast (with the exception she refused to share any of her tomatoes... and that is another story entirely.)

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