Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Commentary on Comments

The other fellows that I work with have all done a blog on the comments they have received. Good for them. They have received comments and I have not. They also have facial hair and gratefully, I do not.

But, I thought it would be fun to share the two comments that have come my way. When asking my spouse at the dinner table what he thinks about my blog, a grunt and "Did you put too much garlic in this again?" was the response.

My three year old has a fuller response. Last week as we drove to my work and her childcare we passed about eight different churches. An announcement was made from the backseat, "Momma, I can't like those churches."

"Why, Sweetie? They love Jesus too."

"Momma, I can't like those churches... (big sigh)... 'cause I like your church better (giggle)."

The vote is in... she likes my church, but cannot read and therefore has no idea what her mother writes...


Todd Outcalt said...

I like your blog and your church, too. You help to keep it special. And you write with sanity!

R. Gehlbach said...

Thank you for your wonderful uplifting comments on life!