Thursday, August 29, 2013

Retreat Exhaustion!!

If you take a gander at these lovely mustached ladies- one would think that they are beautiful, caring, kind and amazing people; so how is it that after a weekend of leading a retreat of these gals, I come home exhausted?

Could be because all the preparation-work to lead a weekend wears me out before the fun begins on a Friday night.

Could be because I never sleep well away from home.

Could be that I stay up way too late thinking, mulling, praying and talking through the next events of the weekend that I get little sleep.

Could be that helping others grow and gain in spiritual depth wears a person out.

Could be that I am not drawing deeply enough on God's reservoirs as I am lead by the Spirit to lead others.

Or it could be that retreat weekends are just so full a body is bound to be tired.

Anyway- it was not until maybe late Tuesday that I came up for air after this retreat.  Now I know why former co-leaders enjoy and relish their year off retreat leadership!  :)

I am grateful for all the folk who made this weekend happen so that I could get 'worn out' from doing the work of God!  Like ....

  • My hubby for feeding the dog.  
  • My retreat roommate for making my bed and dealing with my sheets.
  • My mother and step dad for entertaining my kidlet.
  • My music ladies for all their great sounds!
  • My co-leaders for their leadership and help!
  • My prayer partner for all her prayers and well wishes.
  • My retreatants for their affirmations of God working through me in spite of my fatigue.
  • Our Holy Spirit for being so awesome to move through us....

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