Thursday, April 26, 2012

Confirmation 2012 Class

Here they are... our amazing Confirmands with Jesus at St. Christopher's Catholic Church in Speedway, Indiana.  All of these bright smiles after little or no sleep... and one of their two worship experiences that morning.  We were on our retreat.

Our staff teased me, again, yesterday at our lunch celebrating another wonderful Lent/Easter season about my annual 'love feast' for confirmation students.  "Every year you say the same thing, Michelle!"  I do value our confirmation students year after year and my precious time learning about them as they ponder the nature of God in Christ.  I won't threaten our youth director, by saying I desire to do youth ministry all the time, but I will confess what aspects of youth ministry that I am privileged to participate in... both stretch and affirm my spiritual gifts.

Yet, I have taken the time to ponder what it is about this year's class... that draws me in.  Could it be the large number of poets and writers in the group- helps me have an affinity with them?  Or the amazing number of musicians helps me connect with them so easily?  Or could it be the fact that those who have been a part of Calvary since their birth... reflect the past 12 years of my ministry with our congregation?  None  of these thoughts, while true, explains fully my tears as I put together their certificates and Bibles. 

Maybe I won't ever know the why... but I do know that God is invested in these young lives.  These students are His Church now... and what great things the Holy Spirit can work through them in the next six years before they graduate!  The ramifications of their faith impact for a lifetime stagger the imagination!

Mostly.. there is a sweet, sweet anointing of God's Spirit upon this class!  I love them so much.  And am very proud of them... but I sense on another level... how much JOY these young people bring to our God!  

Jesus is proud and excited about these confirmands!

And that is awesome.

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