Friday, January 20, 2012

Letter to Gram

Dearest Gram,

It was way too cold for me to exercise outside this morning so I "cheated" and got on our elliptical.  Made me think of all the hours you spent riding your stationary bike in your basement.  I am sure cold and heat have no more reference for you now...but I certainly still feel their affects.

I would tell you how the family is...but you probably know better from your vantage point how we are all doing.  We each have our stuff and we are dealing with it in our own ways...mostly leaning on God's grace to heal, redeem, and re-shape us.  You cannot be replaced.  But you are very much missed. 

I find it hardest to decide when I miss you more... odd little interuptions in life like a random memory from childhood popping into my mind or seeing your empty seat in worship on Sunday mornings at 11:11am.  Just know you are missed... and I cannot wait to be together with you in the kingdom to come!  Not ready yet by any means, but knowing our reunion will be a reality is a joy of expectation in the midst of the lonliness of your absence.

I must confess I am having great fun continuing your letter writing and note card legacy.  Thanks for the shoeboxes filled with cards! (Girl, you had cards for every occasion.) Not sure how long it will take me to use them all but, I am working on it every week.  It is comfort to have them stacked next to my church office desk. 

Oh, and all of your Bible reference materials and what not are scattered all over my office too.  Makes me feel all cozy to see your handwriting ALL OVER YOUR BIBLES!  :)  I do the same thing too.

I'll write more later.  Give all our relatives hugs from me!  Tell them I need all the help I can get to establish my DAR status.

Love you,



Todd Outcalt said...

I'm sure you do miss seeing your grandmother on Sundays. I find myself thinking about others who occupied their "usual spot" from time to time. Makes our time at Calvary all the more unique and personal, I think.

Michelle Kallock Knight said...

I agree...the longer I am here and the more I know and live life with these folks the more they indeed are the family of God!