Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Whew- what a week it was! In six days I completed five hospital visits, three nursing home visits, and so many pastoral care phone calls that I stopped taking notes! All that plus worship, sending off our missionaries, and a wedding.

One of the hospital visits was to my grandmother who had a lung infection over the weekend and my daughter has been very ill so our home life has been very hectic.

Taking care of the flock this past week has involved a lot of care giving, listening, praying, talking, and visiting. The experience has served as a blunt reminder that what I do is a people business. It is all about caring for folks.

And because my colleague down the hall was on vacation... (I appreciate him at all times!) my heart was overjoyed that we serve a church that is a caring community. What terrific support and help we have among our lay staff and our volunteers who serve as Ministers of Visitation! They helped me do the business of caring for people so beautifully.

Now all I need this week is a little quiet for a nap!

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