Thursday, May 12, 2011


Tomorrow is the day that this ol' body crosses the border into another decade... and leaves behind 39 years. sigh.

I must admit that I have had a tough time processing this birthday and all that it means. Fortunately, I do not have many regrets in my life... and I am blessed to the degree that I have accomplished many of my goals. What's next?- remains the big question looming over me.

At lunch yesterday which the staff surprised me with (along with hiliarious cards)- I confessed that I need new goals for the next forty years! (Also, I informed them that I would NOT post on my birthday an almost naked photo of myself as one of my colleagues did on his big birthday recently.)

All my 40th birthdayness is heightened by the fact that my 'baby' (of 6 and a half years) graduates next week from kindergarten here at Calvary UMC.

I have been a spoiled working mom. Ever since I returned to work from my maternity leave, my little one has driven to work with me every day. We've been able to have lunch together whenever we've wanted. I have helped with her field trips and class parties. If she got sick, I was usually in the building. If my daughter had a need, I know and trust all those who have cared for her and knew she was in great care.

Truly, I have been spoiled! What a gift this congregation and our Learning Academy have given me and our family. We are so blessed!

All that ends next week when she graduates from our Learning Academy prepared for public school and the first grade. (ACK!) To be honest, I cannot decide which is tougher... this birthday or sharing my daughter and allowing her to grow into her next challenge... But both at the same time is cause for reflection.

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