Friday, January 14, 2011

Delivering Casseroles

I think there needs to be a new function added to the multi-tasked and multi-faceted job descriptions for pastor. That is 'casserole delivery person'.

I've had more fun this past year or so since we began our Casserole Club ministry delivering casseroles to families with new babies, families recovering from illness or surgery, families who are not able to make it to worship because of their aches/pains, hearing loss or older age. What a joy to give someone else the 'night off' from cooking and preparation when you hand them a meal made with love!

Reactions vary a bit, but most folks are pleased, surprised, and you can sense they feel special. (Which is the point, after all) Kudos to all our club participants for putting love into the meals!

Keep it up and I shall keep on delivering casseroles around Brownsburg. The exercises forces me into neighborhoods and homes I would not normally visit. The experience helps me pray for our larger community and witness who lives where and near whom. So, as I deliver these meals I am praying for the families who receive them and all their neighbors in-between!

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