Thursday, April 29, 2010

Beginning Again

Endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings. While that could be a quote from Yoda, it describes where I am in my study and growth.

Confirmation program concludes with great satification and joy this Sunday! It does my soul good to witness young people excited about their faith and their relationship with God. Mostly it does the church good to witness their enthusiasm and desire to walk the talk and talk the walk! (And yes, I am already mulling over next year...)

Monday I finish my 31 day intense reading of the Psalms using the website. Reading the scriptures online with all the features of this program has been fun, accessible and very doable for my busy schedule. I have enjoyed using a different translation than I normally read. Plus, the Psalmist's words have soothed my soul.

On Tuesday of next week, our 34 weeks of DISCIPLE Bible conclude with a lesson on spiritual gifts and the sharing of Holy Communion. Over the past nine months we have read over 80% of the entire Bible together while laughing, debating and puzzling over God's message for us today. I really enjoy teaching the Bible with adults! They are the best learners! :) Making connections with the Bible, our faith and our discipleship has been fodder for all of us this year- thanks Les, Paula, Patti, Lisa, Tracy, and Shirley!

So, with all these wonderfully enriching endings- what is beginning? Well, I decided before I lose my way in a different routine I would select a new Bible ready plan from My plan is to read all four gospels within the next month! I'll keep you posted on my progress.

I also hope to begin a time of writing. (Be prepared for more blogs!)

And yes, the Knight family garden is coming back soon... so you shall see my with dirt under my nails and at the local flower store (with a story in my head)!

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