Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Morn

Yesterday I slept in for the first Easter in about 15 years- no sunrise service! Wow- I must confess I really enjoyed the extra sleep, yet missed (in a vague way) the cold darkness of early morning to celebrate our Risen Savior. It wasn't the same but it was also fantastic too.

Worship was wonderfully inspiring with the colors, flowers, smells, and sounds of brass, handbells, organ, and voice! If you didn't notice at the 9am and 11am services- I became all weepy and teary during the pastoral prayer- couldn't help it- was simply caught up in the glory and wonder of the gift of this day. (Thanks to my Mark Kay lady for great eye products that didn't smudge inspite of my tears!)

We spent the afternoon with an egg hunt- compliments of the Easter Bunny at our house and a long visit with my husband's family.... more food, more candy, and more conversation! A great day- I hope yours was great in it's way too!

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