Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Retreat- returned

The dark purple circles under my eyes indicate a lack of sleep during the retreat and not an iron deficiency. We have sucessfully 'retreated' while at the same time I believe these Confirmation students have "advanced" in their knowledge of Christian worship and the sacraments.

I, along with our nine mentors/teachers, learned that 6th graders are very wiggly before you feed them dinner; middle school girls still sleep with stuffed animals; sixth grade boys like to talk about bodily functions prior to sleep (and also enact those functions); and all middle school students look terribly frightened at 6:30am when six adults bang very loudly on metal cooking pots and lids to wake them up! (Ha, ha that was my favorite part of the retreat!)

When you see these young people over the next few weeks- ask them about their weekend. Ask them about worship at the two different congregations we visited. They will have a LOT to tell you!

1 comment:

Del. Blog said...

I love waking my retreaters with a rousing rendition of "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!"(very cathartic for we arm-chair divas);-)
