Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Hobby

In my search for insighful, witty blog material I became consumed by a huge coughing fit and had to take a tall drink and a quick nap.

Whew- now that I am back... I am encouraging everyone to go vote next Tuesday. Read up on all the various candidates and their positions and then make a good choice. The election-campaign has become one of my hobbies (or morbid fascination) this fall. Watched all the debates, visited all the candidates websites, and read their material.

After the election is over, I will need another hobby. Knitting doesn't seem as exciting. Hmmm...


Anonymous said...

Don't wait until Tuesday... vote today... or tomorrow...

Mark W said...

I drove through New Harmony, IN this past week and remembered from being there as a kid that they have a labyrinth. I suggest you go to New Harmony and unwind after the election.