Monday, September 23, 2019

Begging Poem-Prayer

The following is from a series of poem-prayers that were inspired during a retreat awhile back.  Long conversations could be had about the intersections of spiritual poverty and physical poverty.  This intent of this poem-prayer was to consider spiritual poverty...from a different angle.

Begging V

Lord, I asked, how shall I pray?
-silence came-

Lord, I asked, how shall I pray?
-silence remained-

Lord, I argued, you tell me to be a woman of prayer.  Now, how shall I pray?!
-remember the poor, replied the Lord.
-be poor that I am rich.

But Lord, I asked, how shall I pray?
Then an image of a beggar woman stooped and dressed in gray rags flashed in my mind.
In her small bowl laid a crumb of bread and a drop of oil.

Lord, I asked, what is this? Who is this woman?
Pathetic, pitiful, degrading she crawled through the trash rummaging for a little

-Be poor.  Carry little, that you are rich in me.  And that I carry you.

-silence returned.

Lord, i begged, how shall i pray?

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