Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Waters of Baptism!

Smiles are evident on our two youth staff and myself, the reason why the baptism candidate is not smiling is because he is very very cold!

His baptism (along with our other two candidates( was memorable that way!

We plunged our three students into the cold spring waters Saturday evening.  We could not have asked for a more beautiful spring night with over 50 people present.  The Body of Christ grew by three.  Did you hear the growth pang?

We, the church, could not be more proud of this group of young people.  There have been so many little miracles, healing moments, faith-filled moments, grace-filled moments along the way that if I started pondering them all I would not stop crying for joy.

Holy tears, that is!

Makes me glad and proud to witness the church being who and what SHE is called to be: disciple making community!

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