Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ten Things I Like About Being Diana's Mom

Yesterday read a great article about celebrating Mother's Day by making a list of the reasons why (as a mother) I like being a mother.  I will share them with you and then also with my kiddo.

  1. Being part of watching, shaping, and growing a human being into an amazing person is totally intimidating, addicting, and beautiful!
  2. My kid is just plain too cool!  She geeks rocks, birds, woodland creatures, and reading!
  3. When you are blessed with the gift of life it opens your generosity "glands" so that all other kids are precious too. Not that they weren't before, but the weight and joy of that is changed!
  4. I like her gifts of dandelions, artwork, and notes in church.
  5. Hugs from kids are the best!
  6. Because when you parent with your life-partner you are privileged to watch him grow as a person and a father- that is just too cool to witness!
  7. Her friends become your investment!
  8. Parenting is a life long faith lesson in surrender, sacrifice, and silliness!
  9. Because it is an excuse to relive the BEST parts of childhood like ice cream cones, bike rides, beach play days, toys and toys and toys!
  10. My Diana is the only one like her in the world... and she is amazing!

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