Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Preparations for Holy Week

A hundred golden eggs sit quietly on my table next to four bulletins for later this week.  This is just one example of craziness of Holy Week and Easter preparations a pastor goes through.  Coordinating a thousand details so that we, as a faith community, can move through symbolically and in remembrance of Jesus' last week.

Some times I like all the craziness.

Other times I don't.

Yet, I know I need to hear the stories over and over again.  Repeated for me one more time so that the stories sink deep into my bones.  I notice different things each time I hear them. And also my heart, my will and my mind respond to the stories each time so that my discipleship... my willingness to follow this Savior deepens.

May it be so for all His Disciples around the world this week.

Deepen your experience with Jesus by marking time with his last week of life prior to his Resurrection.

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