Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hammock Time

Hammock time equals the most awesome relaxation time in the world.  You don't need a beach or palm trees to relax.... you just need some fabric, two poles or trees, and viola' you have the ultimate in fancy feel good!

My hammock is almost as awesome as driving my red Mustang convertible.  Almost.

One thing you can do in my hammock that you cannot in my convertible is read your fav novel!

So last week while on my second stay-cation in a month, we got the hammock out of the garage and had a blast!

So much fun to read with my favorite girl her new book, The Secret Garden.  Ahh- we listened to the birds sing, the clouds floated by, and the river birch tree tried to reach out a hug us while we lounged in our hammock!

Now, go get yourself one!  You will not be sorry.

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