Thursday, June 13, 2013

Not Blogging

When one is tired, weary and all out of sorts, it seems that ice cream, naps, and long drives in the Mustang are far more helpful than blogging.  Now you know why I have not posted in days...

While not blogging I have been writing lots of thank you notes and cards of sympathy.  And mostly, I am trying to tune into my little family.  Making oneself available to others in their grief is an art.  It is also all about being accessible for when the "moment happens".  Even if the moment is when you run out of toilet paper and the dog decides to have a seizure in his kennel.... sigh- you make yourself available to what others need.

I will post later... as I learned at Annual Conference last week... blogging is about inspiration and brevity.

I shall work on the former... soon.

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