Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Kid's View

Often I forget how tall I am or how extremely tall my husband is.  Too busy running around in my own world to notice my impact on the world, I guess.

That is until recently.  As I was sorting photos off of my phone, I ran across one that my daughter took of my husband and I at the Circle of Lights Christmas Tree lighting in downtown Indianapolis.

In spite of the blur, you can tell just how much shorter she is than us... and how hard it was to get her tall parents into the frame of the photo.  My husband's head is part way there... see?!

The photo reminds me of perspective.  Where we stand, how tall we stand, and what sort of shoes we stand in impact how and what we see and experience.

Begs the question what is a kid's view? a grandparent's viewpoint from a wheelchair? a friend's view?  And how much more understanding and communication can happen when we pause and consider another person's perspective!!!

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