Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pickles, Our New Pet

Behold, the perfect pet has arrived....the small creature only eats, grows and poops.  And sometime soon it will entertain us with it's metamorphosis life cycle. After completely changing out of it's current form, our Pickles will fly away from us... never to be seen again.  A perfect pet!  No vet bills.

No shedding of fur, no eating of green tomatoes or Barbie shoes.  No scratching.  No seizures at 2am.  No rock swallowing and then vomiting of said rocks at 4am.  No sniffing of your bottom while doing weird yoga positions.  No drooling by the grill.

Just the quiet eating of leaves and crawling around in pickle jars...  here she/he is, our new pet, Pickles the Brown Caterpillar who one day soon will become a Brown Moth.

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