Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Every year I send a handful of devotions to the Upperroom for publication in their daily devotional.  I always send them when I need to work on humility.  Because every time I send a devotion... it is denied!  Working through rejection is a great exercise in fostering humility!

A year after I sent this devotion into Upperroom, I re-read their guidelines and learned that devotions about pets are a big NO NO!  The little devotional is translated and published in numerous languages for cultures outside the US.  And pets are not held in the same esteem in other parts of the world as they are in the States.  (Wish I had known that at the time I submitted the darn thing. sigh.)

Thus, since this will never appear elsewhere... I share with you one of my 'rejects'.

Title: What Dog Obedience Can Teach Us

Suggested Scripture reading: I John 5:2-5

Quoted verse: “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments”(I John 5:2).

I learned more this past summer in my dog’s obedience class than my dog did.  He barely passed the class.  What I learned helped me train my new puppy, but it also taught me something about our relationship with our Creator God. 
Dogs naturally want to please their caregivers/masters.  Lovingly firm, consistent, and clear commands rather than punishment or bribery enable dogs even silly wiggly puppies to respond consistently and positively.  This helps the pup trust their owner.  And the greater trust the puppy experiences in their owner the more likely the dog will want to succeed at everything the owner asks.  Then the saying is true: Dog is man or woman’s best friend.
Our God is lovingly firm with us.  God is always consistent in the expectations of our behavior and personal character.  God is very clear about the redeemed life looks like in action and attitude.  Because God’s character is such, we can have great confidence and trust in God and therefore grow in our desire to be obedient. 

Dear God, you honor me with choice, help me to honor you by choosing obedience to your word and will.  Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Trust and obedience to God brings joy.

Prayer Focus:
People and their pets

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