Another 397 joined us to welcome the Babe of Bethlehem...
WOW- everything again was excellent and meaningful and personal and wow!
My favorite moment was the reading from Isaiah by a 6th grader! She nailed it.
Bless you Calvary musicians, ushers, greeters, Live Nativity characters, communion stewards, choirs of all sizes and ages... staff!
1327 adored HIM!
(Going home to take off my shoes!)
Merry Christmas and good night.
Michelle L. Knight; pastor, author, spiritual director, retreat leader, poet and grant writer
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Christmas Blog #3
Phenomenal worship experience! Music, lights, strings, voices, people, old friends, new friends, family and WOW! The best CHRISTMAS Service Ever!!
538- over a hundred more than last year!
Cried, not because of my allergies and the amazing poinsettias, but because my heart was so very, very full.
538- over a hundred more than last year!
Cried, not because of my allergies and the amazing poinsettias, but because my heart was so very, very full.
Christmas Blog- #2
It is the noisiest and busiest service! We had 402 and it felt like... thousands!
Lovely holy family with the cutest little angel. And baby Jesus did not even cry. Bonus.
Super terrific music by the Attwoods in the narathex!
Amazing Holy Family plus Angels and Shepherds! Here is a photo from earlier this evening...
Lovely holy family with the cutest little angel. And baby Jesus did not even cry. Bonus.
Super terrific music by the Attwoods in the narathex!
Amazing Holy Family plus Angels and Shepherds! Here is a photo from earlier this evening...
Christmas Eve Pre-Blog
My annual tradition of blogging throughout the long night of Christmas joy begins! I have already been here for over an hour doing some behind the scenes stuff!
I am very excited about our worship services tonight! They will be lovely! Guest musicians are joining us. A Live Nativity will be presented outside, even with a donkey! Caroling music will greet folks before and after our first two worship services!
I am ready to puddle up with tears and the night has not even begun. Just feeling very full of the Holy Spirit and the Joy of what Jesus' birth means!
Before I dash off to prepare Holy Communion for the 5pm service- be joyful because Our HOPE HAS COME!
See you in worship!
I am very excited about our worship services tonight! They will be lovely! Guest musicians are joining us. A Live Nativity will be presented outside, even with a donkey! Caroling music will greet folks before and after our first two worship services!
I am ready to puddle up with tears and the night has not even begun. Just feeling very full of the Holy Spirit and the Joy of what Jesus' birth means!
Before I dash off to prepare Holy Communion for the 5pm service- be joyful because Our HOPE HAS COME!
See you in worship!
Family Christmas- What's in a Name?
Saturday evening the Lowe family gathered around these lovely tables for the festivities of Christmas! we had a delightful time telling stories, eating great food, laughing over our gifts and antics of our pets. The only problem- er hiccup- with our tradition is that no one in the family has the last name Lowe anymore!
That sort of thing is bound to happen with two generations of girls. We had Lawlers, Grays, Monhollens, and Knights. But no Lowes. Two sisters, my mother and my aunt, each had one daughter. Hence, it was a gathering of the Lowe family without any namesakes. (Don't worry there are plenty to carry on the family name from other cousins!)
Our names may be a patchwork quilt now, but our love, generosity, and joy in Christmas remain steadfast!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Nativity Without the Mother of God
One of my favorite collections are my various Nativity scenes and sets. Two different nations from Africa, three from Latin America, and various artisans from Europe and the US are represented in my collection. They are each precious and unique.
The children's set you see above is the newest addition to my collection. My mother-in-law gave it to me last year for Christmas. So a few weeks ago, we first opened the box. To our surprise a key member of the Nativity is missing. She is no where to be found.
There is no Mary, the Mother of God!
Instead, we have a Nativity scene with twin shepherds! :) Oops. Mind you this set was made in China. Makers knew that there needed to be 10 figurines in the box. Not very particular on which ten figures though.
Mary has gone missing. Perhaps the crying kid was too much for her. Or the extra shepherd is the stand-in babysitter.
It is hard, if not impossible, to have a Nativity without Mary. She models for us obedience and trust in God's amazing plan. She continues in her plans to marry Joseph and create a family together. Mary must birth Jesus after all! Ultimately, she will nurture his young faith and witness to him our Awesome God even as she watches her son die for the world's freedom from sin, stupid, and death.
My missing Mary has been a reminder of Mary's significance within God's plan. Maybe even a reminder of how without each one of us... God's work is incomplete.
Each one of us matters.
When Your Former Confirmands Have Babies!
You know you are getting older when previous students of yours start their own families. Again, I was dramatically reminded of where I am in life's cycle when one of my former confirmation students from my largest class ever- the Class of 2006- had his first born son yesterday.
Wow! Have I been in ministry that long now?
Yes. Yes, I have.
Wow! Have I been in ministry that long now?
Yes. Yes, I have.
What a Difference a Year Makes!
During Advent of last year I was deep in the throws of supportive care giving to two ailing parents. What a difference a year makes! This may seem an odd way to mark the holidays, but it is an indication of life's changing seasons nonetheless.
A year ago in the midst of holiday baking my red foam cooler would be packed with meals and goodies to deliver to my in-laws while Lee Ann was in treatment for her brain cancer. Alas, in June she received her ultimate healing in heaven.
During December of 2012 my father was recovering from a bad fall at a rehabilitation facility. His holidays were not as he had hoped they would be. But after the first of the year he returned home to his apartment. We are grateful for all who offered him compassionate care during his recovery.
Now, I wonder how we will remember this holy season a year from now? Hmmm....
A year ago in the midst of holiday baking my red foam cooler would be packed with meals and goodies to deliver to my in-laws while Lee Ann was in treatment for her brain cancer. Alas, in June she received her ultimate healing in heaven.
During December of 2012 my father was recovering from a bad fall at a rehabilitation facility. His holidays were not as he had hoped they would be. But after the first of the year he returned home to his apartment. We are grateful for all who offered him compassionate care during his recovery.
Now, I wonder how we will remember this holy season a year from now? Hmmm....
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Christmas Decor'
I am the type of holiday decorator that appreciates coordinated fashion and color, but has always had a homegrown Christmas. Homemade Christmas decor is like greeting old friends within the ornament box from your child's preschool days. Everything on our tree is beautifully mismatched, but meaningful and significant.
This year we did something radically different. Our friends stayed in their boxes.
Last summer after Eric's mother died he brought home from his parent's house an SUV filled with Christmas ornaments. Lee Ann thoroughly enjoyed decorating her Christmas tree each year. She had hundreds if not thousands of ornaments! I am not exaggerating. Boxes upon boxes of gold, red, silver, white and pink glass ornaments are all at my house now!
She had a pink and white tree. She did a red tree. There was a gold tree. And even a silver tree. Each year was a different coordinated fashion of holiday shimmer and shine. No wonder she left up her tree well into February each year.
This year in celebration of her first Christmas in heaven we decorated our tree with about 75% of her red and gold glass ornaments, most of her red berries, lots of her specialty ribbon, and her unique golden angel. Needless to say the task took hours... but as you case see we are showcase ready!
Merry Christmas, Mom!
Thanksgiving Anew
The gathering at our table for Thanksgiving this year may have been smaller in number, but the sense of gratitude was enormous! With the sun streaming through the sliding glass doors and our plates heaping with warm, tasty comfort foods, we made a wonderful family memory.
The table was laid with a set of my mother in law's dishes along with crystal glasses she gave me for my birthday. Pretty as a picture! In fact here is a photo... you can see a loaf of my infamous chocolate zuccihini bread in the background (by the bottle of wine). Yum!
This year at our lovely Thanksgiving table we played a new Thanksgiving 'game'. From A to Z each family member had to name something they were grateful for that began with that letter. 26 times 3 equals a lot of gratitude!! We laughed and reminisced. And then as we moved deeper into the alphabet each of us would think of a better item for a previous letter. It was a hoot!
After we rolled away from the table our daughter smoked us in a game of monopoly by the fireplace.
A great day! Simply a great day to be alive; be together;and be filled with thanks.
The table was laid with a set of my mother in law's dishes along with crystal glasses she gave me for my birthday. Pretty as a picture! In fact here is a photo... you can see a loaf of my infamous chocolate zuccihini bread in the background (by the bottle of wine). Yum!
This year at our lovely Thanksgiving table we played a new Thanksgiving 'game'. From A to Z each family member had to name something they were grateful for that began with that letter. 26 times 3 equals a lot of gratitude!! We laughed and reminisced. And then as we moved deeper into the alphabet each of us would think of a better item for a previous letter. It was a hoot!
After we rolled away from the table our daughter smoked us in a game of monopoly by the fireplace.
A great day! Simply a great day to be alive; be together;and be filled with thanks.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Duke Football Fan!
Unlike some folks, there is diversity in my sports interests. Not everything is about basketball.
My years as a student in the Divinity School of Duke University included many autumn afternoons filled with Duke football! My first year there we went to prestigious Hall of Fame Bowl. Still have a beat up plastic cup to celebrate the occasion. Or I might have used it to scoop cat liter back in 1999. Hmm.
The other seasons were less exciting because we watched our opponents out score us by multiple digits. Mostly, those afternoon games were spent visiting with other students, eating hot pretzels and trying to figure out just exactly what my theology professor was lecturing in class each week. The 'win' was a fun afternoon with friends with a side of mediocre football.
Great news, though, because.. our football team has another winning season this year! We might even be Bowl bound, again!
It is a Thanksgiving miracle.
So here's to Duke athletics: football and basketball! Woo hoo!
My years as a student in the Divinity School of Duke University included many autumn afternoons filled with Duke football! My first year there we went to prestigious Hall of Fame Bowl. Still have a beat up plastic cup to celebrate the occasion. Or I might have used it to scoop cat liter back in 1999. Hmm.
The other seasons were less exciting because we watched our opponents out score us by multiple digits. Mostly, those afternoon games were spent visiting with other students, eating hot pretzels and trying to figure out just exactly what my theology professor was lecturing in class each week. The 'win' was a fun afternoon with friends with a side of mediocre football.
Great news, though, because.. our football team has another winning season this year! We might even be Bowl bound, again!
It is a Thanksgiving miracle.
So here's to Duke athletics: football and basketball! Woo hoo!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Gratitude Journal: My New App of Choice
During this season of thanks-living, I thought I would share my latest addiction: my new iPhone app; My Gratitude Journal by Happy Tapper.
Finally, something spiritual to do with my iPhone!
Over a month ago my search began for another way to express my writing and my gratitude. This little app has been a lovely joy! Everyone morning at 9:30 am I am sent a reminder buzz to write in my journal of gratitude.
Some days my list is longer than others. And I can even search to entries with a key word of theme. Gosh- I can even give that day's entry a star code!
We practice gratitude at our house because we understand that our God is a GIVER! And when I leave in the space of gratefulness- life seems so much more smooth and filled with contentment.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
I enter into this holiday season of Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas with a profound awareness of my inner reluctance.
My heart still grieves as does my little family. Holidays after the death of a loved one are just no nasty and raw! Such bittersweetness... to bake the yummy foods, decorate our homes, and gather around a table with one chair so obviously absent.
I know this terrain.
Other times in my life I have traversed this space... it is just so hard to navigate this hallowed ground on behalf of my little one who simply misses her Nana.
What traditions do we keep for continuity and what new expressions are born from this?
Tough to say.
I have decided that however reluctant I am ... I cannot stop the movement of momentum in the calendar... so here goes!
By God's great grace.
My heart still grieves as does my little family. Holidays after the death of a loved one are just no nasty and raw! Such bittersweetness... to bake the yummy foods, decorate our homes, and gather around a table with one chair so obviously absent.
I know this terrain.
Other times in my life I have traversed this space... it is just so hard to navigate this hallowed ground on behalf of my little one who simply misses her Nana.
What traditions do we keep for continuity and what new expressions are born from this?
Tough to say.
I have decided that however reluctant I am ... I cannot stop the movement of momentum in the calendar... so here goes!
By God's great grace.
Friday, November 8, 2013
365 Days
As of November first our family countdown began. The days until my husband finishes his Master's degree are closer now than they have been. As of this writing only 357 days remain until the celebration begins.
Difficult to determine who is more excited about this prospect: the student or his family.
Let this be a warning to all readers that random numbers, which are not so random, may start appearing in my conversation, blogs, posts, and tweets.
Gosh- that also means I have a limited amount of time to plan the graduation party and get my gifts ready! I better get going!
Difficult to determine who is more excited about this prospect: the student or his family.
Let this be a warning to all readers that random numbers, which are not so random, may start appearing in my conversation, blogs, posts, and tweets.
Gosh- that also means I have a limited amount of time to plan the graduation party and get my gifts ready! I better get going!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Fall Break
When I think back about the last two weeks of Fall Break, and list all the fun my kid had when she:
- visited a dairy farm
- screamed in a haunted house (Time Warp at Children's Musem)
- made her own animated movies at camp
- enjoyed all her favorite parts of the Children's Museum
- saw Cloudy with a Chance for Meatballs 2
- slept in
- got lost in a corn maze
- met an astronaut at Space Day (Purdue University)
- ran a 5K in the cold rain
- spent the day planting a secret garden at her grandma's
- shopped for new clothes
- went out to eat (a lot)
- baked Nutella chocolate chip cookies & celebrated her Daddy's birthday
- adopted a new fish for her tank
- celebrated her excellent report card
I am not surprised by how s-l-o-w-l-y she got out of bed yesterday for her first day back at school. Nor that we were unprepared for the return to the school routine.
She (and we) simply had too much fun!
Thank goodness another break is coming!
After the pouring down cold rain two Saturdays ago (and fifty one minutes later), my kidlet and I finished her first 5K! Woo hoo! I was so proud of her tenacity (and ability to jump into all puddles along the course)!
Besides our medals, bananas and bottles of water, you can see that she collected several autumn leaves while enjoying the course through Fort Harrison! Only my kid.
Right after the race (moments after this photo) she said, "Momma, I don't ever want to do that again!"
I guess it was a once-in-a-lifetime event! She is finished with 5K's.
Friday, October 18, 2013
5K with My Kidlet
Early tomorrow morning my daughter and I will have our shoes laced for the 5K which is part of the Indianapolis Marathon and Half Marathon! (3.1 miles is a lot for a 3rd grader!)
The trees will be gorgeous and hopefully the weather will be dry! A personal best will be far from my goal this 5K. Enjoying time outdoors- that's the ticket!
How are you enjoying the autumn season?
Not on Fall Break!
Not to do on this fall break:
- clean up a foul doggie mess after my pooch had a seizure in his kennel while everyone is away for the day
- dust our house
- anything related to laundry
- rush around town looking for the last minute items needed for a homework project!
- anything homework related
- get up early (on purpose or by accident because the dog itches himself LOUDLY)
- solve problems that I did not create and are related to someone's poor use of the brain power God gave them (I have enough trouble re-solving my stupidness!)
Best things to do:
- go to a haunted house and act not-scared
- eat fresh apples with caramel on them
- have a special anniversary date with my spouse
- surprise my husband with his birthday goodies
- sleep in
- avoid anything related to the above list
- maybe even walk a labyrinth or two!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
A Month of Celebration
Yesterday while our U.S. Congress shut down our government, October 1st marked another beginning for my household: the biggest, densest month of birthdays for our combined family. Apparently, nine months prior to October several couples within our family were 'busy'. And a variety of births were the result. Hallmark will experience a volume in sales from my pocketbook alone.
Besides Duke Basketball season's start, October also holds my wedding anniversary (my lucky number #13). We're not sure that we've even got something special planned for the the 13th. I did some research into how to celebrate the 13th. One website site I found stated that...
Besides Duke Basketball season's start, October also holds my wedding anniversary (my lucky number #13). We're not sure that we've even got something special planned for the the 13th. I did some research into how to celebrate the 13th. One website site I found stated that...
Traditional Anniversary Gift: Lace
Modern Anniversary Gift: Textiles
Travel Anniversary Gift Ideas: France
Not sure if we'll go with these ideas, but they are interesting and clever. I don't want to iron lace and we've already traveled to France once as a couple. Dinner and a movie or concert sounds good!
It is not how you celebrate but that we have much to celebrate... as yesterday also was the long-awaited for day when we learned whether my husbands position at his employer would continue into 2014. We are overwhelmed with gratitude to know there is a future for us because God is in charge. (And also his job will continue.)
With all that said I began our month of celebration with the baking of 4 loaves of pumpkin bread to share! Yum- an autumn harvest is yet another celebration!
How do you celebrate those big and small moments in your life?
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
My husband may have his fantasy football league to keep him occupied and interested in sports, but I have my Duke Blue Devils to keep me company! And the countdown begins until the season starts! Their schedule is locked into my day planner with special occasions like the Duke vs. UNC rivalry game highlighted in Duke Blue!
Less than a month away... but I can feel March Madness already!!
Go to he&^ Carolina, go to he%$!!!
Less than a month away... but I can feel March Madness already!!
Go to he&^ Carolina, go to he%$!!!
Grandma's Advice
I have not blogged much lately and that is because I am taking my grandmother's advice! She would often remind me with her blue eyes piercing my soul, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all!"
Well, I have nothing nice to say about my recent diet.
Well, I have nothing nice to say about my recent diet.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Change in Appointment?
Not so long ago, one of my clergy colleagues asked with fascination, humor, and dismay, "But how do you have an appointment for that long?"
At first, because of the person's tone, I wondered if I had caught a horrible disease that threatened myself and others. Then, reason took over and I was reminded that most United Methodist clergy who are elders serve an average of 4-6 years in one appointment. Years ago the average was 2-3 years.
And here I am finishing the first quarter of my 14th year! I currently hold the second longest tenure of any elder to serve Calvary United Methodist in Brownsburg. Gosh- this appointment has lasted longer than most marriages! Ouch. I've been at Calvary longer than it takes kids to go through their basic public education. Yikes! When you put that all together and hold it in perspective then my situation adds up to being odd.
And I am odd.
But then, odd or unusual or extraordinary describes the working of God's presence in our lives.
My answer for my colleague or anyone else is this..."Oh, Calvary has not been just one appointment in 14 years. I have served 4 very specific appointments during my 14 years here." The various transitions this congregation and I have accomplished together look like...
Not every appointment is so extensive in it's offerings and opportunities for growth, change, and transition which cause a pastor to flex her various vocational skills as Calvary has been for me. Whew!
All this reminiscing wears me out and excites me at the same time to step back and observe the entire situation!
At first, because of the person's tone, I wondered if I had caught a horrible disease that threatened myself and others. Then, reason took over and I was reminded that most United Methodist clergy who are elders serve an average of 4-6 years in one appointment. Years ago the average was 2-3 years.
And here I am finishing the first quarter of my 14th year! I currently hold the second longest tenure of any elder to serve Calvary United Methodist in Brownsburg. Gosh- this appointment has lasted longer than most marriages! Ouch. I've been at Calvary longer than it takes kids to go through their basic public education. Yikes! When you put that all together and hold it in perspective then my situation adds up to being odd.
And I am odd.
But then, odd or unusual or extraordinary describes the working of God's presence in our lives.
My answer for my colleague or anyone else is this..."Oh, Calvary has not been just one appointment in 14 years. I have served 4 very specific appointments during my 14 years here." The various transitions this congregation and I have accomplished together look like...
- Appointment #1- retirement of senior pastor after his 18 years of service and transition to new/different senior pastor leadership (while serving full time)
- Appointment #2- selling of 4th building and grounds, transition to temporary ministry, construction of new facility, (while a new mother and serving less than full time)
- Appointment #3- massive growth after relocation (while serving less than full time) Close to 1,000 members
- Appointment #4- size transition adjustments (return to full time service)
Not every appointment is so extensive in it's offerings and opportunities for growth, change, and transition which cause a pastor to flex her various vocational skills as Calvary has been for me. Whew!
All this reminiscing wears me out and excites me at the same time to step back and observe the entire situation!
It's About More than the Fish!
Our annual Fish Fry begins tonight with soggy conditions! I am sure the fish are not as happy as this fine fellow, but the people will be!
When my husband walked in our door after his long day at work- he immediately said, "That smell is torture!" Our diets prevent any eating of the sweet smelling pecan pies I had just baked.
And so it goes, we fry fish, we set up tents, we wrap fish, we eat, or we are eaten by bees and bugs in our tabernacle of dining!
Happy Fish Fry folks, this is my 14th one!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
So Many Things to Blog About
Some times I become overwhelmed with possibilities. And that can be a good thing because it brings out the fire of creativity.
Or it can be immobilizing.
Lately, there seems to be a plethora (love that word!) of stuff to blog about... like the conflict in Syria and whether or not the USA should have military action; or the rising black on black violence in major cities including Indianapolis; or the defunding campaign for Obamacare; and the list goes on.
So this past Monday instead of my usual blogging, I wrote to my US Senator, my US Representative, and our US President instead. I guess it was a blogging of a sort.
My writing exercise took the form of letting my voice be heard by those that are to represent me and my interests at the table of governmental and public policy leadership. My good feeling about sharing my thoughts was buoyed by the quick email responses I received from two out of the three recipients. You'll have to guess which one has yet to send me their standard email reply.
I am reminded that letter writing still holds power. Good thing too since most of the New Testament is correspondence!
Which makes me want to ask- Who are you writing to? And what impact do your words have for you and for others?
Or it can be immobilizing.
Lately, there seems to be a plethora (love that word!) of stuff to blog about... like the conflict in Syria and whether or not the USA should have military action; or the rising black on black violence in major cities including Indianapolis; or the defunding campaign for Obamacare; and the list goes on.
So this past Monday instead of my usual blogging, I wrote to my US Senator, my US Representative, and our US President instead. I guess it was a blogging of a sort.
My writing exercise took the form of letting my voice be heard by those that are to represent me and my interests at the table of governmental and public policy leadership. My good feeling about sharing my thoughts was buoyed by the quick email responses I received from two out of the three recipients. You'll have to guess which one has yet to send me their standard email reply.
I am reminded that letter writing still holds power. Good thing too since most of the New Testament is correspondence!
Which makes me want to ask- Who are you writing to? And what impact do your words have for you and for others?
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Turned into September...
At our house the dog itches constantly (because of some sort of allergy) while the new little fishies are eating plenty good right now... and in the midst of the hubbub of pets our grass turned brown (requiring no lawn care whatsoever) and our flowers have waned. Autumn approaches.
And with autumn comes a few special birthdays in our family, our BIG event known as the Fish Fry, NFL start, college football start, and my personal favorite... the countdown to college basketball season (the only true season that matters a hill of beans!)
I like autumn.
I got married in autumn. My baby was born in autumn! Therefore, bring it on autumn!
And with autumn comes a few special birthdays in our family, our BIG event known as the Fish Fry, NFL start, college football start, and my personal favorite... the countdown to college basketball season (the only true season that matters a hill of beans!)
I like autumn.
I got married in autumn. My baby was born in autumn! Therefore, bring it on autumn!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Retreat Exhaustion!!
If you take a gander at these lovely mustached ladies- one would think that they are beautiful, caring, kind and amazing people; so how is it that after a weekend of leading a retreat of these gals, I come home exhausted?
Could be because all the preparation-work to lead a weekend wears me out before the fun begins on a Friday night.
Could be because I never sleep well away from home.
Could be that I stay up way too late thinking, mulling, praying and talking through the next events of the weekend that I get little sleep.
Could be that helping others grow and gain in spiritual depth wears a person out.
Could be that I am not drawing deeply enough on God's reservoirs as I am lead by the Spirit to lead others.
Or it could be that retreat weekends are just so full a body is bound to be tired.
Anyway- it was not until maybe late Tuesday that I came up for air after this retreat. Now I know why former co-leaders enjoy and relish their year off retreat leadership! :)
I am grateful for all the folk who made this weekend happen so that I could get 'worn out' from doing the work of God! Like ....
Could be because all the preparation-work to lead a weekend wears me out before the fun begins on a Friday night.
Could be because I never sleep well away from home.
Could be that I stay up way too late thinking, mulling, praying and talking through the next events of the weekend that I get little sleep.
Could be that helping others grow and gain in spiritual depth wears a person out.
Could be that I am not drawing deeply enough on God's reservoirs as I am lead by the Spirit to lead others.
Or it could be that retreat weekends are just so full a body is bound to be tired.
Anyway- it was not until maybe late Tuesday that I came up for air after this retreat. Now I know why former co-leaders enjoy and relish their year off retreat leadership! :)
I am grateful for all the folk who made this weekend happen so that I could get 'worn out' from doing the work of God! Like ....
- My hubby for feeding the dog.
- My retreat roommate for making my bed and dealing with my sheets.
- My mother and step dad for entertaining my kidlet.
- My music ladies for all their great sounds!
- My co-leaders for their leadership and help!
- My prayer partner for all her prayers and well wishes.
- My retreatants for their affirmations of God working through me in spite of my fatigue.
- Our Holy Spirit for being so awesome to move through us....
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Fish are Coming! The Fish are Coming!
Our kidlet's tenacity has paid off because her parents (aka my husband and I) relented and got a fish tank.
Since my husband's motto is "go big or go home"... we have a 37 gallon tank in our daughter's room. Of course, the rocks are purple and pink and the tank stand shines with a lovely lavender color.
As soon as the water is 'right'... we are adopting fish! She has names picked out. We have selected various fresh water tropical breeds who will live well together (we hope).
So, here is to fish! Maybe I will learn a thing or two that will help me fish for people!
Who knows!
Since my husband's motto is "go big or go home"... we have a 37 gallon tank in our daughter's room. Of course, the rocks are purple and pink and the tank stand shines with a lovely lavender color.
As soon as the water is 'right'... we are adopting fish! She has names picked out. We have selected various fresh water tropical breeds who will live well together (we hope).
So, here is to fish! Maybe I will learn a thing or two that will help me fish for people!
Who knows!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Back in School
All the humans in my house are now back in their respective classrooms. Just the dog and I do not have homework.
Not sure if third grade or graduate school will have more homework (I am betting on grad school). But the pressure is on for competitive excellence in their grades.
A few weeks before our daughter returned to her elementary school we drove up to the West 71st Street office building that houses my husband's graduate classes (Indiana Wesleyan). We took a picnic supper and met my husband there after work and before his class.
Needless to say the boring-undecorated office building failed to excite my daughter's imagination. She commented (loudly) about the lack of playground equipment, gym, bulletin boards, color photos, library niches, and fish tanks in her daddy's school. Her only compliment was that the cafeteria was nice and quiet.
As we drove off, she said while shaking her head and snapping her seat belt, "Momma, poor Daddy, how does he learn with so little color?"
Indeed, color and fun make all the difference in school! :)
Not sure if third grade or graduate school will have more homework (I am betting on grad school). But the pressure is on for competitive excellence in their grades.
A few weeks before our daughter returned to her elementary school we drove up to the West 71st Street office building that houses my husband's graduate classes (Indiana Wesleyan). We took a picnic supper and met my husband there after work and before his class.
Needless to say the boring-undecorated office building failed to excite my daughter's imagination. She commented (loudly) about the lack of playground equipment, gym, bulletin boards, color photos, library niches, and fish tanks in her daddy's school. Her only compliment was that the cafeteria was nice and quiet.
As we drove off, she said while shaking her head and snapping her seat belt, "Momma, poor Daddy, how does he learn with so little color?"
Indeed, color and fun make all the difference in school! :)
Thursday, August 1, 2013
YAY! We did it!
After lots of submission attempts, re-reading the writing guidelines, editing, and pouting... the good folks at Upper Room Ministries wrote me this week to say, "We like your submission on 1 Corinthians 1:9! We want to publish it!"
Happy dance!
And wouldn't you know it was the submission about how my mother in law gave witness to God throughout her 12 year experience of breast cancer! She would be so pleased and proud to know her story will be translated into multiple languages and shared around the world! Awesome! Gives me glory bumps just thinking about it.
I have no doubt she encouraged things from heaven!
Look for it in the July/August 2014 Upper Room.
Best and Worst of 2013 Summer Break
My failure to blog more frequently was do to the fact that I was too busy 'sucking the marrow out of life'. In other words... life got full and blogging remained at bottom priority. To share some tidbits of life around my house and ministry here are some of the extreme highlights of our eight week summer.
- the moment when my kiddo finally, finally took off on her bicycle with confidence and joy! Screaming, "Look at me! Look at me! I am doing it!"
- visiting my mother-in-law's grave the first time since her June 10 funeral and burial... and how fresh the tears and sorrow became in my husband and daughter's eyes.
- swaying in our green striped hammock with my kidlet cuddled up to me while she reads, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, which was my favorite chapter book as a young girl.
- bathing my dog after his third seizure in less than 45 days.
- praying through scripture to select a Bible verse for each of the cast, crew, board, and pit orchestra for TFC's production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
- finally getting a week away with my family without church, work, or grad school... and my husband spend the week sick and it rains.
Oh, well the extremes of anything make it more enjoyable... and if not that, at least, memorable!
Summer Goals- Here and Gone
Eight weeks seems like a decent amount of time to accomplish lots of wonderful projects, tasks and experiences. Besides my summer goals this year were less zealous than previous year's, I think.
What do you think of my summer goals?
What do you think of my summer goals?
- scrapbook all of Diana's 8th year
- exercise 2-3 times week
- file the mountain of reciepts that are filling 4 shoe boxes
- read 5,000 pages
- help Diana read 30 chapter books on HER OWN
- make Diana ride her bike on HER OWN
- pass her summer piano theory challenge
All are completed with the exception of number one and number three. Since September 20th is the first official day of autumn, I do have plenty of time. But because we returned to our fall school schedule, yesterday, on July 31... I needed to get these projects done this week.
By Friday afternoon, they will be! Whew- that was cutting it close!
What were summer goals? And what remains unfinished for you... you've probably got more time than me!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
My New Best Friend
Every summer at least one of the books on my summer reading list includes a biography. Who knew that people could be so interesting?! Last year I read the newest tome on Dietrich Bonhoeffer and was captivated by his life. On a whim, that some would say was divinely inspired, I choose a newly edited autobiography by Margaret Thatcher. The Iron Lady and I have recently been acquainted. She is my new best friend!
After all we have so much in common! First and foremost, both of us are born and bred Methodists! She loved choral music and played the piano at a young age. We are both avid readers and very conservative in our public finances. We like to travel. And we both ended up in very male dominated vocations as working mothers.
Our interested diverge in two significant ways...she has a college degree in chemistry and I in music. And the small fact that she became a World Leader and I well, cannot get my dog to behave. Best friends can be different from one another too.
Anyway- I am only at a mid-point in her career as a public servant, but she sounds so interesting! What a mind that woman had! Whew! I would not want to debate her.
The most curious thing that she repeats often in her reminiscing is how much FUN she had in politics. Gosh- I do not think I have heard many or any elected American public officials share so candidly about how they enjoyed what they were doing as they debated and wrestled with public policy. Intriguing- isn't it!
Anyway- I am off to read through her entries from the early 70's (when I was born and her twins were teenagers)!
What are you reading that intrigues you?
After all we have so much in common! First and foremost, both of us are born and bred Methodists! She loved choral music and played the piano at a young age. We are both avid readers and very conservative in our public finances. We like to travel. And we both ended up in very male dominated vocations as working mothers.
Our interested diverge in two significant ways...she has a college degree in chemistry and I in music. And the small fact that she became a World Leader and I well, cannot get my dog to behave. Best friends can be different from one another too.
Anyway- I am only at a mid-point in her career as a public servant, but she sounds so interesting! What a mind that woman had! Whew! I would not want to debate her.
The most curious thing that she repeats often in her reminiscing is how much FUN she had in politics. Gosh- I do not think I have heard many or any elected American public officials share so candidly about how they enjoyed what they were doing as they debated and wrestled with public policy. Intriguing- isn't it!
Anyway- I am off to read through her entries from the early 70's (when I was born and her twins were teenagers)!
What are you reading that intrigues you?
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Vacation Time...and How Fast We Live
About March of this year I saw the warning signs of stress and fatigue on my family and insisted that we plan for a week away this summer. One of the few times I was right that the family can celebrate! Ha!
No school work (for anyone), no pet messes, no work for the parents, no cooking for me- just sunshine, sand, trees, lake water, boats and the crowds of people at Holiday World! Ah... sigh with me... it is just divine.
I have read so many trashy books this week that my mind is mush and I need to get something new at the library tomorrow.
But it is good.
Oh, so good to get my little family away from the whirlwind of how fast we live these days. Even to hear my daughter mutter over and over while waiting for fireworks to begin... "I am bored." We unplugged from laptops, iphones, and even yes, the iPad! It was good to be still.... quiet and maybe begin to hear ourselves and each other again!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Hammock Time
Hammock time equals the most awesome relaxation time in the world. You don't need a beach or palm trees to relax.... you just need some fabric, two poles or trees, and viola' you have the ultimate in fancy feel good!
My hammock is almost as awesome as driving my red Mustang convertible. Almost.
One thing you can do in my hammock that you cannot in my convertible is read your fav novel!
So last week while on my second stay-cation in a month, we got the hammock out of the garage and had a blast!
So much fun to read with my favorite girl her new book, The Secret Garden. Ahh- we listened to the birds sing, the clouds floated by, and the river birch tree tried to reach out a hug us while we lounged in our hammock!
Now, go get yourself one! You will not be sorry.
My hammock is almost as awesome as driving my red Mustang convertible. Almost.
One thing you can do in my hammock that you cannot in my convertible is read your fav novel!
So last week while on my second stay-cation in a month, we got the hammock out of the garage and had a blast!
So much fun to read with my favorite girl her new book, The Secret Garden. Ahh- we listened to the birds sing, the clouds floated by, and the river birch tree tried to reach out a hug us while we lounged in our hammock!
Now, go get yourself one! You will not be sorry.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Not Blogging
When one is tired, weary and all out of sorts, it seems that ice cream, naps, and long drives in the Mustang are far more helpful than blogging. Now you know why I have not posted in days...
While not blogging I have been writing lots of thank you notes and cards of sympathy. And mostly, I am trying to tune into my little family. Making oneself available to others in their grief is an art. It is also all about being accessible for when the "moment happens". Even if the moment is when you run out of toilet paper and the dog decides to have a seizure in his kennel.... sigh- you make yourself available to what others need.
I will post later... as I learned at Annual Conference last week... blogging is about inspiration and brevity.
I shall work on the former... soon.
While not blogging I have been writing lots of thank you notes and cards of sympathy. And mostly, I am trying to tune into my little family. Making oneself available to others in their grief is an art. It is also all about being accessible for when the "moment happens". Even if the moment is when you run out of toilet paper and the dog decides to have a seizure in his kennel.... sigh- you make yourself available to what others need.
I will post later... as I learned at Annual Conference last week... blogging is about inspiration and brevity.
I shall work on the former... soon.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Stay-cations ReVisited
I am beginning to wonder about the purpose of staycations. They aren't all they are advertised to be, that is for sure.
Mine this past week has been beyond weird in it's content compared to the normal course of life. (whatever normal is..) I cannot say that I am re-freshed or renewed or that my week away from ministry has been 'fun'. Nor have I accomplished any lofty goals or large chores...yet. I still have today and tomorrow.
My recap of this staycation looks like this:
Day 1- visit with family, nap, cook out
Day 2- laundry (while watching some chick flicks), house cleaning, mow lawn, dance lesson
Day 3- volunteered all day at grade school for their field day. sunburned and exhausted I fell asleep after dinner.
Day 4- annual mammagram (ugh), spent the entire day watching my mother-in-law sleep into her death (she continues in hospice in her home) while chatting with my father in law. I completely ruined a new recipe in my crockpot after I trashed my non-functional blender. They just do not make wedding gifts like they used to. sigh.
Day 5- mulch delivery, agruments with school staff over test scores, lunch with a great friend, and celebration with my kiddo for all her hard work in 2nd grade!
Sigh. Maybe my staycation later in June will be better!
Mine this past week has been beyond weird in it's content compared to the normal course of life. (whatever normal is..) I cannot say that I am re-freshed or renewed or that my week away from ministry has been 'fun'. Nor have I accomplished any lofty goals or large chores...yet. I still have today and tomorrow.
My recap of this staycation looks like this:
Day 1- visit with family, nap, cook out
Day 2- laundry (while watching some chick flicks), house cleaning, mow lawn, dance lesson
Day 3- volunteered all day at grade school for their field day. sunburned and exhausted I fell asleep after dinner.
Day 4- annual mammagram (ugh), spent the entire day watching my mother-in-law sleep into her death (she continues in hospice in her home) while chatting with my father in law. I completely ruined a new recipe in my crockpot after I trashed my non-functional blender. They just do not make wedding gifts like they used to. sigh.
Day 5- mulch delivery, agruments with school staff over test scores, lunch with a great friend, and celebration with my kiddo for all her hard work in 2nd grade!
Sigh. Maybe my staycation later in June will be better!
School Is Out for the Summer!
Woo hoo! Summer time! Swimming, vacation travels, cook outs, watermelon, gardening, corn on the cob, lawn mowing, walks, boating, movies in ice cold movie theaters on a hot afternoon, lazy Saturday mornings, swim lessons, slower pace, VBS, and hammock time- these make summer awesome!
We are ready for a change of scene at our house... and summer has all the fun! Can't wait for it to begin... but today it rains, and rains, and rains.
We are ready for a change of scene at our house... and summer has all the fun! Can't wait for it to begin... but today it rains, and rains, and rains.
Friday, May 24, 2013
May Madness
May is madness with four family birthdays (not including my own), Mother's Day celebrations, end of school parties, graduation preparations and all the other mayhem that comes with Spring. Flower planting, throwing down more mulch, planting a garden, preparing for summer swim lessons, vacations and activities add even more craziness to this month!
And none of that addresses that the month of May in Indianapolis is all about open-wheel-racing at my house! If you cannot find my husband at work or chained to his laptop, you will see him track side cheering for his favorite drivers and teams. Go Izod Indy Car Series!
No wonder my madness is extreme with mowing the lawn, walking the dog and grilling!
I can't wait for June! :)
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Celebrating my Mother in Law, Lee
Unlike many wives, my mother-in-law is awesome. Sure, we do not agree on everything, but she values me, shows her love in very demonstrative ways, and respects our differences. Most of all my mother in law and I share a deep passion for two very special people: Eric, my husband, and Diana, my daughter.
So, it is with great affection and sadness that we are now saying goodbye. Her 12 year battle with breast cancer (which is now in her brain) is coming to an end. Treatments have stopped. Hospice is providing care and compassion while funeral plans are being made.
Truly, "soon and very soon, we are going to see the King!"
Below is one of the last photos taken of Lee Ann with her husband of 50 plus years and her youngest granddaughter. Lee Ann in the midst of her brain radition treatments arrived at my daughter's piano just 4 weeks ago!
This is a lovely photo of a great couple... but notice my kidlet. How she hugs her Nana says everything about the deep and abiding bond between these two "Knight" women.
A bond that will last forever, because love never ends through the grace of Jesus the Christ!
Thank you Lee Ann, for being an awesome mother in law! A terrific Nana to my kidlet! And an amazing mother to my wonderful husband!
Thanks for all the love- your legacy will live on... I promised you the other night that I will make sure to celebrate your legacy and your memory with my daughter for years to come!
This isn't goodbye, but merely, see you on the other side! :)
So, it is with great affection and sadness that we are now saying goodbye. Her 12 year battle with breast cancer (which is now in her brain) is coming to an end. Treatments have stopped. Hospice is providing care and compassion while funeral plans are being made.
Truly, "soon and very soon, we are going to see the King!"
Below is one of the last photos taken of Lee Ann with her husband of 50 plus years and her youngest granddaughter. Lee Ann in the midst of her brain radition treatments arrived at my daughter's piano just 4 weeks ago!
This is a lovely photo of a great couple... but notice my kidlet. How she hugs her Nana says everything about the deep and abiding bond between these two "Knight" women.
A bond that will last forever, because love never ends through the grace of Jesus the Christ!
Thank you Lee Ann, for being an awesome mother in law! A terrific Nana to my kidlet! And an amazing mother to my wonderful husband!
Thanks for all the love- your legacy will live on... I promised you the other night that I will make sure to celebrate your legacy and your memory with my daughter for years to come!
This isn't goodbye, but merely, see you on the other side! :)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Mother's Day Prayers...
Last Sunday was a joyful holiday to celebrate with new moms and mothers of small children. But I know of you teary-eyed grown ups for whom this was their first Mother's Day without their mothers. And there were several women in our church who are undergoing fertility treatments who did not even come to worship this weekend. Ladies, we pray with you.
Here is the Pastoral Prayer that Pastor Todd and I offered this weekend (thanks to my Leadership Academy colleague who shared this litany with me and then I re-shaped a bit for our worship.) Even though Mother's Day is over... I still pray for my Mom, for my mothering, and all mothers in our community and world.
Let us pray...
"Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so You watch over your people and your Church. Hear as we pray on this mother’s day for the women among us:
Here is the Pastoral Prayer that Pastor Todd and I offered this weekend (thanks to my Leadership Academy colleague who shared this litany with me and then I re-shaped a bit for our worship.) Even though Mother's Day is over... I still pray for my Mom, for my mothering, and all mothers in our community and world.
Let us pray...
"Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so You watch over your people and your Church. Hear as we pray on this mother’s day for the women among us:
To those
who gave birth this year to their first child—we celebrate with you.
To those
who lost a child this year – we mourn with you.
To those
who are in the trenches with little ones every day and wear the badge of food
stains – we appreciate you.
To those
who experienced loss through miscarriage, failed adoptions, or running away—we
mourn with you.
To those
who walk the hard path of infertility, fraught with pokes, prods, tears, and
disappointment – we walk with you. Forgive us when we say foolish things. We
don’t mean to make this harder than it is.
To those
who are foster moms, mentor moms, and spiritual moms – we need you.
To those
who have warm and close relationships with your children – we celebrate with
To those
who have disappointment, heart ache, and distance with your children – we sit
with you.
To those
who lost their mothers this year – we grieve with you.
To those
who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother – we acknowledge your
To those
who lived through driving tests, medical tests, and the overall testing of
motherhood – we are better for having you in our midst.
To those
who have aborted children – we remember them and you on this day.
To those
who are single and long to be married and mothering your own children – we
mourn that life has not turned out the way you longed for it to be.
To those
who step-parent – we walk with you on these complex paths.
To those
who envisioned lavishing love on grandchildren -yet that dream is not to be, we
grieve with you.
To those
who will have emptier nests in the upcoming year – we grieve and rejoice with
To those
who are pregnant with new life, both expected and surprising –we anticipate
with you.
And to
those who care for the daily needs of their ill, aging, addicted or mentally
ill mothers- we care for you. On this
Mother’s Day, we walk with one another.
We acknowledge that it is by God’s grace that we are able to parent or
mother at all. In your mercy O God, hear
our prayers. Amen. "
13th Anniversary of Turning 29
Yesterday my wonderful, loving husband told the world on my Facebook page that I get better with age like fine wine! :) Love it! (Isn't he a keeper, wink?!)
And yes, I did celebrate with gusto the 13th anniversary of my 29th birthday on May 13 in the year of our Lord 2013! 42 is awesome, by the way. Friends tell me 42 is a great movie to see and now I know that I can live into this near year with great taste!
Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Creek Baptisms...
My favorite moment during creek baptisms (not including when we get OUT of the freezing waters) is when I look deep into the eyes of our students. Here is a glimpse of this moment:
Sometimes the students get shy around me... so I have to lean into their downcast eyes. Not sure when I started doing this. Seems normal and natural for me like kissing a baby or patting the old hand of a saint. I want our baptism candidates to have a moment of intimacy with God and God's people.
What I ask them eye to eye is very simple, but profoundly moves me each time I hear the words in my voice. And I hope my questions invite them to ponder and wonder at how GOD is in their lives.
I ask, "Do you love Jesus? No, I mean to you truly love him?" Usually they pause for teen angst and/or mental comprehension. Then they might nod or say yes or smile or offer an 'of course.'
And then I ask, "Do you know of His great love for you?" Most often a casual shrug comes from the students as if this piece of information is too familiar or too normal. But it isn't. This is where the pulse of our faith radiates!
What those baptism candidates do not yet know... is that the following morning during our confirmation service as they kneel and after we have laid hands on them; I will look them each into the eye (AGAIN) and whisper to them (face to face, nose to nose and breath to breath), "Never forgot how much Jesus loves you!" Sometimes I repeat it... so that they really hear the significance of those words.
And every time I cry.
Sometimes the students get shy around me... so I have to lean into their downcast eyes. Not sure when I started doing this. Seems normal and natural for me like kissing a baby or patting the old hand of a saint. I want our baptism candidates to have a moment of intimacy with God and God's people.
What I ask them eye to eye is very simple, but profoundly moves me each time I hear the words in my voice. And I hope my questions invite them to ponder and wonder at how GOD is in their lives.
I ask, "Do you love Jesus? No, I mean to you truly love him?" Usually they pause for teen angst and/or mental comprehension. Then they might nod or say yes or smile or offer an 'of course.'
And then I ask, "Do you know of His great love for you?" Most often a casual shrug comes from the students as if this piece of information is too familiar or too normal. But it isn't. This is where the pulse of our faith radiates!
What those baptism candidates do not yet know... is that the following morning during our confirmation service as they kneel and after we have laid hands on them; I will look them each into the eye (AGAIN) and whisper to them (face to face, nose to nose and breath to breath), "Never forgot how much Jesus loves you!" Sometimes I repeat it... so that they really hear the significance of those words.
And every time I cry.
Monday, May 6, 2013
The Speed at Which We Live, Move and Have Our Being
During our discussion at my last Bishop's Leadership Academy for Clergy Excellence, one of my colleague said something profound. He said, "You know we do not necessarily have more happening in our lives. But the reason we are all unsettled and searching for meaning is that we live at a faster speed than prevous generations. The difference between the good ol' days and today is speed."
Speed. Speed is the difference.
I think my colleague is onto something of significance.
My husband knows something about how to measure and calculate speed on open-wheel race cars. By one degree of separation I have learned a thing or two about speed over the years as I have listened to him explain his work in timing and scoring. We are able today, like never before, to meaure the smallest fractions of speed difference...especially on race cars.
Like racing the rate at which we live our jobs, education, parenting and marriages seems to have a different tempo than previous generations. We drive faster cars. We search for quicker recipes to prepare for evening dinner. Our lives hop from one activity or event to another like a grasshopper without her ADHD meds.
Which begs the question what speed is God's speed?!
You know a race fan does tell a race car driver, "Good luck" prior to a race. Instead the proper protocol is to say, "Godspeed!"
Fascinating. And ironic.
So what is the tempo by which God moves? The speed at which race cars travel, we would all agree,
is very different than the speed of a tulip blooming or a child learning a new skill on her piano. Is God's voice the one who is slow to speak? Or does our Divine Being, who is Eternal and Forever and thus not bound by our laws of physics and time, break into our fast pace quicker than we can imagine?
Just as technology has developed to measure speed to the smallest fraction... maybe we need to learn how to listen differently for God's Word while we are on the move.
Ha! Perhaps I need to download my audio Bible onto my iPhone so that I can listen and run. Could be a good spiritual discipline? What do you think?
Speed. Speed is the difference.
I think my colleague is onto something of significance.
My husband knows something about how to measure and calculate speed on open-wheel race cars. By one degree of separation I have learned a thing or two about speed over the years as I have listened to him explain his work in timing and scoring. We are able today, like never before, to meaure the smallest fractions of speed difference...especially on race cars.
Like racing the rate at which we live our jobs, education, parenting and marriages seems to have a different tempo than previous generations. We drive faster cars. We search for quicker recipes to prepare for evening dinner. Our lives hop from one activity or event to another like a grasshopper without her ADHD meds.
Which begs the question what speed is God's speed?!
You know a race fan does tell a race car driver, "Good luck" prior to a race. Instead the proper protocol is to say, "Godspeed!"
Fascinating. And ironic.
So what is the tempo by which God moves? The speed at which race cars travel, we would all agree,
is very different than the speed of a tulip blooming or a child learning a new skill on her piano. Is God's voice the one who is slow to speak? Or does our Divine Being, who is Eternal and Forever and thus not bound by our laws of physics and time, break into our fast pace quicker than we can imagine?
Just as technology has developed to measure speed to the smallest fraction... maybe we need to learn how to listen differently for God's Word while we are on the move.
Ha! Perhaps I need to download my audio Bible onto my iPhone so that I can listen and run. Could be a good spiritual discipline? What do you think?
Waters of Baptism...
The waters of Baptism never run dry and neither does the creek behind our church at Calvary UMC. I am proud to say our confirmation students, with an additional 55 other folks who joined us to 'represent the church', stood creekside on Saturday night.
Our baptismal font, provided by nature, was like a tall glass of ice water... heavy on ice. A photo in worship on Sunday showed my squealing face when my big toe touched the icy waters! Ha ha! But the waters were wet and did the job to wash siners clean, bring lost ones home, and set people apart for a life of service and sacrifice for others in the name of Jesus!
The salt in the waters trickled from my tears... as I usually puddle up during baptisms... but especially as we confirm each student on Sunday morning! This year's class may not remember it, but I ahve had the majority of them since they were born. I have taught them stories in VBS. They were in my 4th grade Bible Class for students and parents. Several were in kindergarten chapel with me during their kindergarten year in our Learning Academy!
I am so very proud of these confirmands and mostly I am honored to witness how the church makes disciples... shaping lives after Christ!
This is one of the times of year when it truly ROCKS to be a pastor/shephed/leader/teacher/priest for Jesus' church. I am deeply grateful... especially when I ask anyone in the sanctuary to stand who has been confirmed at Calvary UMC... then, I catch a glimpse of the legacy of faith that God is accomplished through my mnistry.
You may not know this. But someones, we pastors, get lost in the long haul that ministry is. But on Sundays such as this... we get to see the bigger picture and my, my...the vision of God's Kingdom glorious!
Our baptismal font, provided by nature, was like a tall glass of ice water... heavy on ice. A photo in worship on Sunday showed my squealing face when my big toe touched the icy waters! Ha ha! But the waters were wet and did the job to wash siners clean, bring lost ones home, and set people apart for a life of service and sacrifice for others in the name of Jesus!
The salt in the waters trickled from my tears... as I usually puddle up during baptisms... but especially as we confirm each student on Sunday morning! This year's class may not remember it, but I ahve had the majority of them since they were born. I have taught them stories in VBS. They were in my 4th grade Bible Class for students and parents. Several were in kindergarten chapel with me during their kindergarten year in our Learning Academy!
I am so very proud of these confirmands and mostly I am honored to witness how the church makes disciples... shaping lives after Christ!
This is one of the times of year when it truly ROCKS to be a pastor/shephed/leader/teacher/priest for Jesus' church. I am deeply grateful... especially when I ask anyone in the sanctuary to stand who has been confirmed at Calvary UMC... then, I catch a glimpse of the legacy of faith that God is accomplished through my mnistry.
You may not know this. But someones, we pastors, get lost in the long haul that ministry is. But on Sundays such as this... we get to see the bigger picture and my, my...the vision of God's Kingdom glorious!
I did it!!
I RAN and walked the Finishline 5K as a part of the 500 Festival this weekend! WHAT!?! Yes, I ran and walked it. My wonderful (competitive) husband challenged me to beat the Kenyans, zombies and at least beat the time of 45 minutes.
Look below for photo evidence... my backside is a purple top with black running I cross over the line under 45 minutes! WOO HOO! I was so proud!
My pride grew as my husband told me how my daughter was inspired and intrigued by watching the whole event. She turned to my husband after I crossed the line, "Dadda, I can do this!"
So, guess what?! I think we found a new family hobby!!!
Look below for photo evidence... my backside is a purple top with black running I cross over the line under 45 minutes! WOO HOO! I was so proud!
My pride grew as my husband told me how my daughter was inspired and intrigued by watching the whole event. She turned to my husband after I crossed the line, "Dadda, I can do this!"
So, guess what?! I think we found a new family hobby!!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
May Day!!
Our dogwood blooms while a bunny (who lived under our deck this winter) hops about the yard eating my husband's carefully groomed grass! It is May! And twelve days until my birthday... hours before I walk the 5K at the Indy 500 Festival Mini-Marathon...and a whole month of end-of-school-busyness! ACK!
Mostly it is May which means flowers, flowers, flowers! I want to get dirt under my nails and get my flowers beds looking awesome and amazing.
All that is awesome expect that it does mean mulch will be arriving soon too. Not sure if I can out do my overachieving work ethic from last year, but we will see!
Mostly it is May which means flowers, flowers, flowers! I want to get dirt under my nails and get my flowers beds looking awesome and amazing.
All that is awesome expect that it does mean mulch will be arriving soon too. Not sure if I can out do my overachieving work ethic from last year, but we will see!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Walking in Peace
Last year I walked the 500 Festival Mini-marathon in honor of my mother in law who deals with brain cancer even to this day. Because of last week's in Boston at their annual marathon, I have decided to dedicate my 5K walk on May 4 here in Indianapolis towards peace and hope.
Every step will be my prayer for our the healing of those injured or who lost loved ones. Every inch will be dedicated to those who offered support, care, compassion, and love to the hurting. Every mile will be a prayer for wisdom, discernment, truthfulness, and justice for the diligent work of law enforcement and the judicial system of our government.
And I shall pray for peace-filled Christians, Jews and Muslims who do not support this sort of violence in the name of God. May our voices become stronger and louder against those who choose to 'hijack their faith'.
May our prayers for peace and hope be heard as we walk in our world!
May our prayers for peace and hope be heard as we walk in our world!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The Creek's Rising

Creek baptisms are messy. But so are sin and repentance, forgiveness and grace. Squishy shoes with mud and grit along with sweat and spit make for delightful playground for God's redemptive work.
Maybe that is where the phrase, "God will and the creek don't rise", came from or maybe not.Pastors have all sorts of specialty items for our work; prayer books and Bibles, robes and stoles, strategies and songs... but I have on a garage shelf a special pair of shoes. These are my creek baptism shoes. I doubt even the Pope has a set of these wonder workers in a size 9 and a half!
On Saturday May 4, I shall wear my special shoes (along with bathing suit and clothes) as we gather at the river if it flowing fast or creek if it's normal or pool is we're in trouble for the waters of baptism.
All in all the moment will remind us that God loves goes before us. God's love forgives us and God's work sets us free to rise from the waters a new creature!
To God be the glory!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Where Hast Thou Been?
Gosh- where did last week go?
Into the history pages as we did eight of our interviews for confirmation students, spent time working with new initatives with Adult Education team, met with staff about this and that, visited at the hospitals... and oh, got my kidlet out of her walking boot!
The week was full before we met with Friday afternoon's crisis.
I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers as we await more information on my mother in law. Scans from the weekend show (she was hospitalized for paralysis in her face and arms) that her brain tumors have almost tripled in size these last six weeks. (That sounds horrible-doesn't it?!)
She has another treatment option left. And she and my father in law are praying their way through the decisions before them. Actually after I chatted with her this morning, I think they want to hand this decision over to our Loving God. I get that.
So, I think the best way to describe how my conversations with God lately that I have been talking, asking questions, weighing options for my loved ones, and ultimately trying to LISTEN.
Now, I know what the Psalmist means by "wait" on the Lord.
Into the history pages as we did eight of our interviews for confirmation students, spent time working with new initatives with Adult Education team, met with staff about this and that, visited at the hospitals... and oh, got my kidlet out of her walking boot!
The week was full before we met with Friday afternoon's crisis.
I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers as we await more information on my mother in law. Scans from the weekend show (she was hospitalized for paralysis in her face and arms) that her brain tumors have almost tripled in size these last six weeks. (That sounds horrible-doesn't it?!)
She has another treatment option left. And she and my father in law are praying their way through the decisions before them. Actually after I chatted with her this morning, I think they want to hand this decision over to our Loving God. I get that.
So, I think the best way to describe how my conversations with God lately that I have been talking, asking questions, weighing options for my loved ones, and ultimately trying to LISTEN.
Now, I know what the Psalmist means by "wait" on the Lord.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Spring Break- what?!
While my Facebook newsfeed was filled with beach or vacation pictures from staff, friends, family and congregants... my spring break has been busy back home in Indiana. And I was not even busy in the ways I planned to be! My TO DO List remains barely touched... because two funerals interrupted my best laid plans.
Oh, well... my kidlet enjoyed art camp (we have sooo much amazing, creative art that we need an art show at our house). The ant infestation was destroyed. The Mustang was driven several times! (WOO HOO) In the mail this week Todd and I were finally paid by our publisher for our book sales. I am pleased to note we received more money than just the cost of a cheap bottle of wine! (which was our bet long ago when that project started) And I successfully tried six new recipes this week! Yum. Not bad for a stay-cation Spring Break!
As I sit in my husband's office, with Gregorian chant playing in the background, I must finish my weekend sermon (yet here I am on my blog!). It has followed me around all week. Too bad the sermon didn't write itself while I was busy with other things... oh well. I gave the words, the text, and ideas plenty of opportunity to run around freely adn then land on the page in a coherent and meaningful format.
But alas, that did not come to pass! Better go and capture those thoughts before 5pm today.
Bye bye, spring break, maybe next year you'll be different!
Oh, well... my kidlet enjoyed art camp (we have sooo much amazing, creative art that we need an art show at our house). The ant infestation was destroyed. The Mustang was driven several times! (WOO HOO) In the mail this week Todd and I were finally paid by our publisher for our book sales. I am pleased to note we received more money than just the cost of a cheap bottle of wine! (which was our bet long ago when that project started) And I successfully tried six new recipes this week! Yum. Not bad for a stay-cation Spring Break!
As I sit in my husband's office, with Gregorian chant playing in the background, I must finish my weekend sermon (yet here I am on my blog!). It has followed me around all week. Too bad the sermon didn't write itself while I was busy with other things... oh well. I gave the words, the text, and ideas plenty of opportunity to run around freely adn then land on the page in a coherent and meaningful format.
But alas, that did not come to pass! Better go and capture those thoughts before 5pm today.
Bye bye, spring break, maybe next year you'll be different!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The Days after H%^ Week...
I know the Lord is Risen- as two funeral homilies are given.
I know the Lord is Risen- while my weekend sermon is yet to be written.
I know the Lord is Risen- as the kidlet needs attention.
I know the Lord is Risen- while our ant infestation meets extinction.
He is Risen and yet, I remain with earthy feet of clay.
O Lord, please help me through this day!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Holy Week Complete- Easter!!
He is risen! He lives and because he lives I can face tomorrow's tomorrow
Death has lost it's sting! God is greater than all our fear! Perfect love has cast out fear!
To God be the Glory! GREAT things God has done!
Music was amazing! Joy of my kidlet following her treasure hunt to find her Easter basket and eggs was delightful! Worship was wonderful! Seeing folks joyful and exhuberant was a gift!
For those of you interested in the number of folks we shared Holy Week with...
Maundy Thursday -- 71
Good Friday -- 95
Easter Weekend
5 p.m. -- 234
9 a.m. -- 366
11:11 a.m. -- 181
Total = 781
Death has lost it's sting! God is greater than all our fear! Perfect love has cast out fear!
To God be the Glory! GREAT things God has done!
Music was amazing! Joy of my kidlet following her treasure hunt to find her Easter basket and eggs was delightful! Worship was wonderful! Seeing folks joyful and exhuberant was a gift!
For those of you interested in the number of folks we shared Holy Week with...
Maundy Thursday -- 71
Good Friday -- 95
Easter Weekend
5 p.m. -- 234
9 a.m. -- 366
11:11 a.m. -- 181
Total = 781
Holy Week- Holy Saturday
I think on Holy Saturday the hardest working servants in the church are 1) the ladies and sometimes the men preparing the Sunday brunch; 2) our altar guild ladies who transform the sanctuary into Easter beauty; and musicians! Preachers have it light on this day (hopefully because our sermons and prayers are already completed.
So, I did all the normal home things on Holy Saturday. Until, I arrived at worship for our 5pm Easter servive - wow! The music and setting were glorious!
He is risen, indeed!
So, I did all the normal home things on Holy Saturday. Until, I arrived at worship for our 5pm Easter servive - wow! The music and setting were glorious!
He is risen, indeed!
Holy Week- Good Friday
What wonderful weather and sunshine on Friday! It was glorious! I felt as if the oppressive winter may actually, finally, be over.
My two best Good Friday moments were these (besides a wonderful worship service in the evening)...
My two best Good Friday moments were these (besides a wonderful worship service in the evening)...
- I had the privilege to share Holy Communion at a facility with a couple. The husband is currently doing rehab for his leg. As we laughed and shared and joked.... I prepared to serve us Holy Communion from my little traveling set... balancing the Body and Bread of the Lord on my knees... I asked the gentleman for his prayer requests. He took a long pause. Before I tried to re-iterate my question, he quietly replied, "Well, let us pray for parents so that they would make disciples out of their children." You could have knocked me over with a feather! I was humbled all over by this quiet man's insightful, other-oriented request. And so, by golly, we did pray for parents and grand-parents alike in their raising of their children to make them disciples of Jesus Christ! WOW!
- After our marvelous Good Friday dinner (we tried a new recipe with delicious salmon)... I asked my daughter to read from her rhyming story book about "Why there is a Cross?" There in between colorful pictures and rhymes is the gospel story. Listening to my daughter tell it... and in thier format ... I heard afresh why Jesus died, what it means, and how amazing the Love of God is.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Holy Week- Thursday's Theme
Thursday's theme was servanthood. Servanthood or service followed me to a hospital, a home, an assisted living community, back to my home, into a phone conversation, throughout my correspondence, and then eventually back into our evening worship again... I could not shake it.
Fascinating how this thread wove it's way into and through my day... it could have had something to do with the fact that I heard and read John 13:1-17 about four times throughout my day. Sort of a "lectio divinia while on the go" spiritual discipline. I never planned it that way, but gosh it was so fascianting and wonderful, I may purposefully do this again!
To serve and be served by God's servants... what a blessing!
Yesterday, indeed is one of the Maundy Thursday's that I shall not forget!
Fascinating how this thread wove it's way into and through my day... it could have had something to do with the fact that I heard and read John 13:1-17 about four times throughout my day. Sort of a "lectio divinia while on the go" spiritual discipline. I never planned it that way, but gosh it was so fascianting and wonderful, I may purposefully do this again!
- At the hospital I read to a dying woman Jesus' washing of feet. We marveled together over her new life to come...and how both she and Jesus 'know' what is coming next.
- At a home I dropped off an Easter basket for my goddaughter who lives with an inoperable brain tumor. I marvel at her abundant life which embraces every moment.
- At the assisted living community I read to a woman who is slowly and painfully loosing her memory the story of Jesus' washing of feet. And we marveled at the tenderness of the story and how she relies on the servanthood of others... now and into her future.
- Back in my home the secret duties of the "Easter Bunny" were finished and hidden from view of my kidlet, house was picked up, and four errands for my family were completed inbetween multiple phone calls with church staff and lay leadership.
- Again, I re-read my sermon and John 13:1-17 (Footwashing) while reading more about Pope Francis' washing of 12 teen prisoner's feet (including two young women!). And I prayed for those twelve young people that they would be open to the Holy Spirit's movement in their lives.
- Then, it was time to arrive for worship with a very tired girl (who is very frustrated with her broken ankle/boot etc.) and a husband who is tired too... and there in worship I heard for the fourth time in my day the story of Jesus caring for the disciples and challenging them to love one another... and my heart was gladdened yet again.
To serve and be served by God's servants... what a blessing!
Yesterday, indeed is one of the Maundy Thursday's that I shall not forget!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Holy Week- What in the World?! Wednesday
Wednesday... was well, wacky!
Our Wednesday staff meeting consisted of more conversation and reflection upon our brackets in the NCAA men's basketball tournament than anything profound, lofty or holy. We did finally, pray together. Not sure if that counts for something...
Yet, inspite of the worldiness of the staff our church was full of life abundant! A full gaggle of awesome volunteers descended upon the church on Wednesday to put together our monthly newsletter. They along with our amazing prayer warrior's and our previous office manager (Fay) filled the office suite with life and vibrancy. In the midst of all that my husband camped out on the workroom floor to tinker, yet again, our the church's internet system.
Wednesday was a...
Our Wednesday staff meeting consisted of more conversation and reflection upon our brackets in the NCAA men's basketball tournament than anything profound, lofty or holy. We did finally, pray together. Not sure if that counts for something...
Yet, inspite of the worldiness of the staff our church was full of life abundant! A full gaggle of awesome volunteers descended upon the church on Wednesday to put together our monthly newsletter. They along with our amazing prayer warrior's and our previous office manager (Fay) filled the office suite with life and vibrancy. In the midst of all that my husband camped out on the workroom floor to tinker, yet again, our the church's internet system.
Wednesday was a...
- wacky-take your husband to work day because he gives his time towards the church computer system as his gift to Christ's church- kind of day.
- weird- prepare the table for Maundy Thursday communion while listening to an awesome Easter (triumphant!) organ-piano duet, total a clash of music and theology, kind of day.
Holy Week- Talkative Tuesday
My Holy Week Tuesday was full of worship planning meetings, bulletin editing, luncheons, and hospital visits. I am not sure Jesus did luncheons and hospital visits during his final days in Jerusalem the same way I do... but, then he often healed the sick on the way to some other lecture or gathering.
Why not do visitation ministry on his way to his betrayal, arrest, beatings and death?
Why not, indeed!
Tuesday was my day of conversations...we sat at table in the church office poured over bulletins and the thousands of details involved in 4 different worship services in 4 days! Whew!
I listented to three lovely ladies share their ministry stories over salads filled my ears at lunch! These ladies and I all did our spiritual direction training with the Benedictines back on 2000-2001 in Beech Grove, Indiana. I marvel at their faithfulness and their keen gifts of deep listening!
And then I listened to the suffering and pain as folks share their health concerns was my afternoon.
I have no doubt that Our Lord did a lot of talking and listening his last week too...
Why not do visitation ministry on his way to his betrayal, arrest, beatings and death?
Why not, indeed!
Tuesday was my day of conversations...we sat at table in the church office poured over bulletins and the thousands of details involved in 4 different worship services in 4 days! Whew!
I listented to three lovely ladies share their ministry stories over salads filled my ears at lunch! These ladies and I all did our spiritual direction training with the Benedictines back on 2000-2001 in Beech Grove, Indiana. I marvel at their faithfulness and their keen gifts of deep listening!
And then I listened to the suffering and pain as folks share their health concerns was my afternoon.
I have no doubt that Our Lord did a lot of talking and listening his last week too...
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Holy Week- Unsacred Monday
What makes the Monday of Holy Week holy or sacred? Or is it just another day on planet Earth?
Was it the...
I have been thrown off course this Holy Week and it is only Monday.
And maybe that is the lesson... how easily we stray from our focus of faith, our relationship with our Savior, that we wander off into the mopping, dusting, and snow removal.
Sigh. My holy week bracket is broken.
Was it the...
- foul weather requiring the snow blower
- science camp for my kiddo
- my long list of busyness/errands
- piles of sorted out-grown clothes from my kiddo
- laundry duty
- mailing our Easter cards to friends and family
- cleaning the house
- mopping floors from soggy puppy paws
- Easter egg decorating
I have been thrown off course this Holy Week and it is only Monday.
And maybe that is the lesson... how easily we stray from our focus of faith, our relationship with our Savior, that we wander off into the mopping, dusting, and snow removal.
Sigh. My holy week bracket is broken.
Holy Week- Palm Sunday
My bias is showing, again. It occurred to me this morning that I have never blogged daily throughout Holy Week, yet every Christmas Eve I blog between our four worship services. Time to change that unholy habit.
Parades of palms, loud hosannas (and we snuck in an Alleluia), and lots of wonderful music from all our vocal choirs (plus a small portion of our hand bell group); all made for a wonderful Palm-Passion Sunday! Lots of excitement and anticipation in the air. Can you feel the sizzle?! No wonder things were stirred in the Holy City the year of Jesus' death.
We too want oppression to end, change in how we are governed, hope seems tangible and yet very fragile at the same time. Yes, I can relate to the crowds on Palm Sunday...
Jesus, on his Palm Sunday, never had to contend with 5-6 inches of snow. Sure would have made those cloaks and palm branches soggy...
Parades of palms, loud hosannas (and we snuck in an Alleluia), and lots of wonderful music from all our vocal choirs (plus a small portion of our hand bell group); all made for a wonderful Palm-Passion Sunday! Lots of excitement and anticipation in the air. Can you feel the sizzle?! No wonder things were stirred in the Holy City the year of Jesus' death.
We too want oppression to end, change in how we are governed, hope seems tangible and yet very fragile at the same time. Yes, I can relate to the crowds on Palm Sunday...
Jesus, on his Palm Sunday, never had to contend with 5-6 inches of snow. Sure would have made those cloaks and palm branches soggy...
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Dear Confirmands, A Letter as You Write
Dear 2013 Confirmands,
I know you are frantic and in a panic about writing your faith statements. Don't worry. You'll get it done. 750 words will come forth from your pens and finger tips. I have confidence in you that your faith is in you to be written, articulated, shared, read, and even spoken.
You are prayed for today as you re-write, erase and edit. Our Prayer Warriors remembered you by name at 10:30 am this morning. I have been praying for you each by name this week too. Your church family loves you.
Most of all, God loves you the most, the best, and the deepest! God's love is the best love!
Pray for yourselves as you write.. ask God to enter your hearts and minds! Invite God's Spirit to give life to your words and thoughts (clarity and logic are good requests too). You have knowledge (some of it new and some of it old) about our common faith in Jesus. You also have new experiences (again some new and some old) of what a faith-filled life looks like (giving, sharing, listening, healing, doing and being).
Most of all trust that you have something amazing to share- a testimony or witness for how God has moved in your life, already, in middle school!
I cannot wait to read your thoughts! Proud of you, already!
Love you and praying for you,
Your servant-pastor-friend Michelle
I know you are frantic and in a panic about writing your faith statements. Don't worry. You'll get it done. 750 words will come forth from your pens and finger tips. I have confidence in you that your faith is in you to be written, articulated, shared, read, and even spoken.
You are prayed for today as you re-write, erase and edit. Our Prayer Warriors remembered you by name at 10:30 am this morning. I have been praying for you each by name this week too. Your church family loves you.
Most of all, God loves you the most, the best, and the deepest! God's love is the best love!
Pray for yourselves as you write.. ask God to enter your hearts and minds! Invite God's Spirit to give life to your words and thoughts (clarity and logic are good requests too). You have knowledge (some of it new and some of it old) about our common faith in Jesus. You also have new experiences (again some new and some old) of what a faith-filled life looks like (giving, sharing, listening, healing, doing and being).
Most of all trust that you have something amazing to share- a testimony or witness for how God has moved in your life, already, in middle school!
I cannot wait to read your thoughts! Proud of you, already!
Love you and praying for you,
Your servant-pastor-friend Michelle
Brackets are everywhere!
Even the United States' President does brackets. Although he is cheering for Indiana to win the Big Dance! (I knew there was some thing I didn't like about the guy! :) )
Our senior pastor's office wall is now decorated with twelve sets of brackets for the men's NCAA basketball tournament. March Madness, baby!
Wonder if our Bishop does brackets?! I should ask him, but I already know two of his alma maters didn't make the tournament (Purdue and Drew).
Bracket time... so little work will get done tomorrow, Friday and the weekend because folks will be watching as much basketball as they can! Ah- bring on the fun!
Even the United States' President does brackets. Although he is cheering for Indiana to win the Big Dance! (I knew there was some thing I didn't like about the guy! :) )
Our senior pastor's office wall is now decorated with twelve sets of brackets for the men's NCAA basketball tournament. March Madness, baby!
Wonder if our Bishop does brackets?! I should ask him, but I already know two of his alma maters didn't make the tournament (Purdue and Drew).
Bracket time... so little work will get done tomorrow, Friday and the weekend because folks will be watching as much basketball as they can! Ah- bring on the fun!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Broken
Well, our kidlet has her first broken bone... and her father and I had a premonition this would happen as soon as we dropped her off at the Flip Zone in Plainfield Saturday night. (A lovely place with squishy mats and all sorts of gymnastic equipment!)
She found the process of x-rays and wheelchairs to be fascinating! But she does not like her walking boot - especially the walking part of it!
Anyway, this means no dance class for four weeks and a huge adjustment in our daily routine (no school bus for awhile as crutches make that tricky).
Sometime soon we need to go Easter dress shopping... and I haven't a clue to what we can coordinate with a black velcro boot! It will be the most expensive shoe she will have as a kid, though. Not that it is stylin'.
Thank goodness, the Good Lord, built us to heal!
She found the process of x-rays and wheelchairs to be fascinating! But she does not like her walking boot - especially the walking part of it!
Anyway, this means no dance class for four weeks and a huge adjustment in our daily routine (no school bus for awhile as crutches make that tricky).
Sometime soon we need to go Easter dress shopping... and I haven't a clue to what we can coordinate with a black velcro boot! It will be the most expensive shoe she will have as a kid, though. Not that it is stylin'.
Thank goodness, the Good Lord, built us to heal!
Hello Pope Francis!
Hello Pope Francis I- whether you are named for Francis of Assisi (depicted above) or for Francis Xavier... welcome to the world stage as a symbol of Christ and His Church!
Already, you have created a stir among your faithful within Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and Protestant Christianity around the world. The first non-European, the first Jesuit, the first in so many ways... We are honored by your humility, simplicity, prayerfulness, and the fact that you personally paid your hotel bill before putting on your holy outfit! :)
Way to go, Holy Spirit!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Mr. Wesley Meets Our Confirmands!
I am such a geek for moments like this... but we had to take a photo op with Mr. John Wesley (aka Reverend Bert Kite, our District Superintendent) and our 2013 Confirmation class this morning! I mean how many confirmation classes get a visit from the one and only John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement?!?!?!
Not enough or too many depending on who you ask! ha ha!
There you have it: 18 new members of the Body of Christ hanging out with the John Wesley who challenged them on making the decision for faith as being the biggest decision they will ever make; invited them to live lives of personal and social holiness; and told them amazing stories about his life and field preaching.
It was awesome!!!!
At least to me (it was awesome) but then I am a complete goober when it comes to church history, Methodism and who we are today and United Methodists. Yes, it was my bright idea to invite our District Superintendent (who by the way has been doing this impersonation preaching/teaching ministry for the past 20 years) to teach our confirmands and then also to stay and preach for the morning.
What warmed my heart even more was the joy of sharing this with previous confirmands (our 7th through 12th graders) who joined us for class this morning! Here are our older students in a photo op with John Wesley!
Hey- I'll do anything to change up the experience of confirmation and make it better! Or at least different! :)
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Problem Kids
Every Monday morning I spend about two and a half hours volunteering at my daughter's elementary school. I am nothing more than a glorified secretary-photo-copy lady- bulletin board designer- and red pen grading designee. In other words, I do the stuff the teacher needs done so that she can do her teaching with the students. Whew- and she has a lot that needs to be done!
Yesterday I noticed that two of the male students had the desks off in sections of the room by themselves. Alone. Within a group. And facing the wall.
Now, I am familiar with these boys and their antics. My daughter also gives me detail reports on who got in trouble and how much trouble they got into.
But my heart sank as I saw these guys were now islands onto themselves. (I have no doubt that their behavior got them there.) I do not have a guess about their family life, if they have a faith background or who has custody of who. But I do know a bit about how they are performing on their school work. One struggles more than the other, but they both are having huge behavior problems. And they are on a tight leash, if you know what I mean.
So, when the teacher took the class to the library, I stopped at each desk to return their graded math tests and once there I prayed for students especially the "boy islands". I prayed for their emotional and spiritual well being. I prayed for loving, strong adults to have a positive impact on their lives. I prayed that each of these boys would respond to loving, firm kindness and make better choices now so that their futures can continue to be bright. I usually pray for the students and teachers every time I visit the school, but my prayers were a lot more focused yesterday on those two.
I found it curious that later that morning one of the young men (who has both the hardest time academically as well as behaviorally) initiated a conversation with me. We had a wonderful visit about superheros and how much I look like my daughter (he thinks that it is funny how much I look like her). Ha ha! Little does he know that usually I hear how much she looks like me!
Even today I am praying for all the "problem- trouble-making" kids...
Yesterday I noticed that two of the male students had the desks off in sections of the room by themselves. Alone. Within a group. And facing the wall.
Now, I am familiar with these boys and their antics. My daughter also gives me detail reports on who got in trouble and how much trouble they got into.
But my heart sank as I saw these guys were now islands onto themselves. (I have no doubt that their behavior got them there.) I do not have a guess about their family life, if they have a faith background or who has custody of who. But I do know a bit about how they are performing on their school work. One struggles more than the other, but they both are having huge behavior problems. And they are on a tight leash, if you know what I mean.
So, when the teacher took the class to the library, I stopped at each desk to return their graded math tests and once there I prayed for students especially the "boy islands". I prayed for their emotional and spiritual well being. I prayed for loving, strong adults to have a positive impact on their lives. I prayed that each of these boys would respond to loving, firm kindness and make better choices now so that their futures can continue to be bright. I usually pray for the students and teachers every time I visit the school, but my prayers were a lot more focused yesterday on those two.
I found it curious that later that morning one of the young men (who has both the hardest time academically as well as behaviorally) initiated a conversation with me. We had a wonderful visit about superheros and how much I look like my daughter (he thinks that it is funny how much I look like her). Ha ha! Little does he know that usually I hear how much she looks like me!
Even today I am praying for all the "problem- trouble-making" kids...
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