Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Anew

The gathering at our table for Thanksgiving this year may have been smaller in number, but the sense of gratitude was enormous!  With the sun streaming through the sliding glass doors and our plates heaping with warm, tasty comfort foods, we made a wonderful family memory.

The table was laid with a set of my mother in law's dishes along with crystal glasses she gave me for my birthday.  Pretty as a picture!  In fact here is a photo... you can see a loaf of my infamous chocolate zuccihini bread in the background (by the bottle of wine).  Yum!

This year at our lovely Thanksgiving table we played a new Thanksgiving 'game'.  From A to Z each family member had to name something they were grateful for that began with that letter. 26 times 3 equals a lot of gratitude!!  We laughed and reminisced.  And then as we moved deeper into the alphabet each of us would think of a better item for a previous letter.  It was a hoot!

After we rolled away from the table our daughter smoked us in a game of monopoly by the fireplace.

A great day!  Simply a great day to be alive; be together;and be filled with thanks.

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