I am beginning to wonder about the purpose of staycations. They aren't all they are advertised to be, that is for sure.
Mine this past week has been beyond weird in it's content compared to the normal course of life. (whatever normal is..) I cannot say that I am re-freshed or renewed or that my week away from ministry has been 'fun'. Nor have I accomplished any lofty goals or large chores...yet. I still have today and tomorrow.
My recap of this staycation looks like this:
Day 1- visit with family, nap, cook out
Day 2- laundry (while watching some chick flicks), house cleaning, mow lawn, dance lesson
Day 3- volunteered all day at grade school for their field day. sunburned and exhausted I fell asleep after dinner.
Day 4- annual mammagram (ugh), spent the entire day watching my mother-in-law sleep into her death (she continues in hospice in her home) while chatting with my father in law. I completely ruined a new recipe in my crockpot after I trashed my non-functional blender. They just do not make wedding gifts like they used to. sigh.
Day 5- mulch delivery, agruments with school staff over test scores, lunch with a great friend, and celebration with my kiddo for all her hard work in 2nd grade!
Sigh. Maybe my staycation later in June will be better!
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