Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Month of Celebration

Yesterday while our U.S. Congress shut down our government, October 1st marked another beginning for my household: the biggest, densest month of birthdays for our combined family.  Apparently, nine months prior to October several couples within our family were 'busy'.  And a variety of births were the result. Hallmark will experience a volume in sales from my pocketbook alone.

Besides Duke Basketball season's start, October also holds my wedding anniversary (my lucky number #13).  We're not sure that we've even got something special planned for the the 13th.  I did some research into how to celebrate the 13th.  One website site I found stated that...


Traditional Anniversary Gift: Lace 
Modern Anniversary Gift: Textiles 
Travel Anniversary Gift Ideas: France

Not sure if we'll go with these ideas, but they are interesting and clever.  I don't want to iron lace and we've already traveled to France once as a couple.  Dinner and a movie or concert sounds good!

It is not how you celebrate but that we have much to celebrate... as yesterday also was the long-awaited for day when we learned whether my husbands position at his employer would continue into 2014.  We are overwhelmed with gratitude to know there is a future for us because God is in charge.  (And also his job will continue.)

With all that said I began our month of celebration with the baking of 4 loaves of pumpkin bread to share!  Yum- an autumn harvest is yet another celebration!

How do you celebrate those big and small moments in your life?  

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