Thursday, September 12, 2013

So Many Things to Blog About

Some times I become overwhelmed with possibilities.  And that can be a good thing because it brings out the fire of creativity.

Or it can be immobilizing.

Lately, there seems to be a plethora (love that word!) of stuff to blog about... like the conflict in Syria and whether or not the USA should have military action; or the rising black on black violence in major cities including Indianapolis; or the defunding campaign for Obamacare; and the list goes on.

So this past Monday instead of my usual blogging, I wrote to my US Senator, my US Representative, and our US President instead. I guess it was a blogging of a sort.

My writing exercise took the form of letting my voice be heard by those that are to represent me and my interests at the table of governmental and public policy leadership.  My good feeling about sharing my thoughts was buoyed by the quick email responses I received from two out of the three recipients.  You'll have to guess which one has yet to send me their standard email reply.

I am reminded that letter writing still holds power.  Good thing too since most of the New Testament is correspondence!

Which makes me want to ask- Who are you writing to? And what impact do your words have for you and for others?

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