Friday, March 29, 2013

Holy Week- Thursday's Theme

Thursday's theme was servanthood.  Servanthood or service followed me to a hospital, a home, an assisted living community, back to my home, into a phone conversation, throughout my correspondence, and then eventually back into our evening worship again...  I could not shake it. 

Fascinating how this thread wove it's way into and through my day... it could have had something to do with the fact that I heard and read John 13:1-17 about four times throughout my day.  Sort of a "lectio divinia while on the go" spiritual discipline.  I never planned it that way, but gosh it was so fascianting and wonderful, I may purposefully do this again!

  • At the hospital I read to a dying woman Jesus' washing of feet.  We marveled together over her new life to come...and how both she and Jesus 'know' what is coming next.
  • At a home I dropped off an Easter basket for my goddaughter who lives with an inoperable brain tumor.  I marvel at her abundant life which embraces every moment.
  • At the assisted living community I read to a woman who is slowly and painfully loosing her memory the story of Jesus' washing of feet.  And we marveled at the tenderness of the story and how she relies on the servanthood of others... now and into her future.
  • Back in my home the secret duties of the "Easter Bunny" were finished and hidden from view of my kidlet, house was picked up, and four errands for my family were completed inbetween multiple phone calls with church staff and lay leadership.
  • Again, I re-read my sermon and John 13:1-17 (Footwashing) while reading more about Pope Francis' washing of 12 teen prisoner's feet (including two young women!).  And I prayed for those twelve young people that they would be open to the Holy Spirit's movement in their lives.
  • Then, it was time to arrive for worship with a very tired girl (who is very frustrated with her broken ankle/boot etc.) and a husband who is tired too...  and there in worship I heard for the fourth time in my day the story of Jesus caring for the disciples and challenging them to love one another... and my heart was gladdened yet again. 
But the best God moment of this Holy Thursday for me was- to sit at table with Calvary's disciples (of all ages and stages of life).. and to break bread & share the cup!  What a moving moment to be eye to eye around the table as the twelve!!!  Glory bumps were all over I could witness how the Spirit's presence moved among the disciples gathered at the table!  HOLY WOW! 

To serve and be served by God's servants... what a blessing!

Yesterday, indeed is one of the Maundy Thursday's that I shall not forget! 

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