Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Creek's Rising

  Three of our five candidates for baptism have requested the flowing baptismal waters of our local White Lick Creek!  With all the rain we have had lately a low water level will not be a problem, but a high, rapids might be. 
Creek baptisms are messy.  But so are sin and repentance, forgiveness and grace.  Squishy shoes with mud and grit along with sweat and spit make for delightful playground for God's redemptive work. 
Maybe that is where the phrase, "God will and the creek don't rise", came from or maybe not.

Pastors have all sorts of specialty items for our work; prayer books and Bibles, robes and stoles, strategies and songs... but I have on a garage shelf a special pair of shoes.  These are my creek baptism shoes.  I doubt even the Pope has a set of these wonder workers in a size 9 and a half!

On Saturday May 4, I shall wear my special shoes (along with bathing suit and clothes) as we gather at the river if it flowing fast or creek if it's normal or pool is we're in trouble for the waters of baptism. 

All in all the moment will remind us that God loves goes before us.  God's love forgives us and God's work sets us free to rise from the waters a new creature! 

To God be the glory!

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