Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Frightened Hope: Holy Week into Easter- Devotion #3 Pastors/Caregivers COVID 19


In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” Luke 24:5


I was asked today by a colleague who prepares to preach an Easter message-from a distance- to her congregation... where and how I am seeing any positive opportunity in this new, strange reality. Here is my response...

Dear Pastor-Preacher-Meaning Maker,

I do not think I can yet tell what "seeds" God's Spirit is planting in me. The growth is too much in front of me. I only know how aware I am of my own limitations on everything about everything.

Inspiration is coming to me in very, very small kindnesses. Or in the transparency of folks to be honest in their self-expression or self-disclosure without putting anything more on someone else. Simple distractions. Stories of heroes. Teddy bears in windows. Baking a cake with my teen. Snuggle with my husband.

It is easy for me to be grateful and I can abide in that space... it is facing an unknown, invisible disease and the havoc it is wrecking on jobs, families, finances, and institutions that pulls me out of gratitude into scarcity about everything! That and the fact that all the HELPER type folks are exhausted and depleted and yet GO ON....and on and on.

Yes, there is positive happening within and without but also, I am gonna have to wait and see what opportunity this is. I have been through enough other difficulties and hardships to know and believe that truth to be true.

Now, today in the middle of Holy Week I remember that Easter is more than a day. It is a season until Ascension Sunday, then comes Pentecost. And then every Sunday is a "little" Easter. I have been trying my whole life of 48 years to figure out what Easter means and why it matters so much and how Easter makes a difference... so why stop now? Even with COVID 19 and it's stupid ripple impacts. I am gonna chase down Easter's meaning until my dying breath.

I am confidant about what I do not want the result of this experience to be- trauma or PTSD revisited. I would prefer to cope with a scar or wound that is in need of healing.

Not sure if I was close to answering your questions...

Much love- you are doing and being in Jesus' name- ALL THAT IS REQUIRED!





God of Good Friday and God of Resurrection Sunday, meet me in my fear and trepidation.  Holy me close as I cling to you.  Amen. 

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