Thursday, August 14, 2014

Joy- Women's Retreat

 Less than a week from now my bags will be packed for yet another retreat.  Hard to fathom that I have been leading and facilitating retreat ministry for almost two decades now.  Geez- what does that mean?  Probably not much.  Still something to learn.

Here we go again... taking over two dozen women on retreat in the woods. We're not ready... shopping to do, sessions to write, bread to bake, snacks to make, gift bags to create, and setting to embellish!  While I avoid my retreat preparations nostalgia blooms. 

Because I am feeling nostalgic about retreats with Calvary UMC ladies... here are my set of unique memories.  Remember when:
  • the carpet caught on fire at the retreat center because our sparkler activity well, caught on fire.
  • ladies (not to be named) stayed up all night to talk, talk and talk!
  • Orpah made an appearance!
  • we drove hours and hours up north to Lindenwood...and there was nothing nearby to eat!
  • we had a volleyball game and cheerleaders?
  • multiple microwaves were put to use for the creation of our scarves (and we burned one up).
  • the year we had to call 911 because one of our ladies fell down the stairs?
  • retreat that we hired a massage therapist for everyone?
  • the retreat leader (me) sent terrible directions and got half the women lost in Tipton!?
  • one of you walked a labyrinth for the first time and fell in love with God more deeply?
  • we laughed and laughed and laughed so hard our cheeks hurt and our abs got a workout?
  • the baby pool for Sara's first baby that a certain pastor did not know how to organize because she knows so little about gambling?
  • we had to beg the retreat center kitchen to bake our communion bread.
  • Clari Bel, Dodie and Laurel would anchor our retreats in wisdom... not to mention other amazing women like Lodoscia.
  • our last year at Tipton- St. Joseph's Retreat and Conference Center. so sad.
You may have your favorite memories...share one with a friend.  Or make a new one with us.

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