Friday, December 17, 2010


What do you do when...?

  • furnace's heat exchanger cracks (get a new one)
  • garage door spring busts (have it fixed)
  • windows rot (get new installed)
  • dishwasher leaks (buy a new one)
  • light switches fail (get an electrician to fix it)

I do not know what you do when all that happens within a 12 day period. But my husband screams, "I want to move!" And then he tries to convince me it is a good idea to stop being a home owner because we are watching our emergency fund dwindle and dwindle and dwindle.

I shall just put a big red bow on the house on Christmas Eve and tell my kid that she has a warm, easy-to-enter, weather sealed, non-leaking, bright lit house from Santa for a present!

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