Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wintery Olympics Games

Never have I watched as much skiing, bobsleding, and ice-oriented games as I have these past two weeks. I am sure many of you have been watching history unfold in Canada as I have. But I think there are a few games missing especially sports my dog and family love:

  • What about snow diving? My dog takes a running leap off our our deck into an embankment of snow only to come back up with a flurry of white wet stuff. This could be a variation of diving (i.e. swim competitions)- for twists, turns, etc.
  • What about ice scuplting? My daughter chips at ice stuck onto our down spouts and collects them for our freezer chest. A competitior could receive points for technique as well as creativity just like you do in ice dancing.
  • What about long distancing snow blower blowing? My husband has enjoyed our neighbor's powerful snow blower this winter (it is his hint to purchase one for us). This sporting event could be based on distance, as well as speed to cast snow away from an area.

I am not sure any of my suggestions will ever make it to the Olympic committee. They probably are frustrated that Americans are cleaning up so many medals this year, but then again somehow curling became an Olympic sport.

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